Monday, January 29, 2007


I think that was the title of either my Harding or SCS yearbook. Retrospecticus. What kind of name is that. Yes, it's better than the "Prickly Pear" but what isn't.

Sometimes I wish they made years books for years after college, but then I think they don't because most people don't like a well documented photo of their bad hair styles. My memory isn't so good. I don't know where any of my old yearbooks are but if I could find one maybe I could remember more teachers than: Coach & Mrs Cox (1st Grade), Mrs Brice (3rd), Coach Collins (HS) & Mrs. Campbell (HS). Am I forgetting someone? Hmm... Thrasher, I remember her, and that teacher who looked just like her husband (tall, slender, short dark hair), what's her name. Well I guess that's all I can think of. OH! Mr. Edsel taught physics. I remember him because of him being named after a famously lousy car and his stories of terrorizing hippies when he was in the navy.

Clearly remembering half a dozen teachers over 12 grades is pretty bad. But I consider myself self-taught. Which was probably the key to my success as SCS. Back in the day it was an academic joke, I learned a lot but most of it I just took on myself. I understand now they have ratcheted up the curriculum, but who's to say. Very few of my HS and undergrad teachers challenged me, the rest either just entertained me, detained me or constrained me. Is there a "tained" word for challenged? Hmm... If I can think of one this could be a good sermon.

Detainer - A teacher who just fills an hour of time in my life no interest in teaching me or holding my attention, although this does allow for good day dreaming time for the detainee.
Constrainer - A teacher who tried to bully or intimidate me. As if "sitting quietly" were the highest moral good.
Entertainer - A teacher who made for lively class but didn't really get much teaching in.
Lecturer - A teacher with good content but poor delivery skills.
Challenger - A teacher who explodes! (What? Too soon?)

Seriously, there are few teachers who cause ideas to explode in you head wanting you to learn more on your own.

Well this ramble has got to end, I intended to blog about the lady next to me on the plane who told me about her night of drinking and insanity in Orlando then choked on her gum when she eventually asked me, "So, what do you do?"

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

CEC - Conference and Logo Design

Here is last years CEC Blog Posts - I'm starting to feel an intense sense of Blog Ja Vu.
Last year I got voted onto the board. The only real responsibility that they would entrust to the child in their midst was designing a new CEA Logo.

Here is the "original" Logo, I dubbed it the "Chlorine Atom" at our last meeting and I believe it is my criticism of it that got me my job. This was supposed to be a temporary logo place holder that has been temporarily used consistently for 20 years.

Here is my New Logo finished product:

The Conference was good this year but suffered from the Biggest Hypothetical Ice Storm of the Century. Never has the fear of Ice caused so much havoc for a conference. Hopefully people will order CDs if they couldn't make it because the speakers were good. My head is full of stuff to think about, and I've got to do it again next week for CPC in Orlando (no ice there).
I feel more resolved than ever to focus on parental involvement! They have to power and I won't allow them to believe that Cece and I can handle the spiritual development of their children on our own. (Even though we are pretty sweet.)

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Packing instructions

I'll be going to two conferences this month. One in FW and the other in Orlando. Therefore here is my advice for packing:

1) Buy new socks. A six-pack of new socks is just what the doctor ordered. They are guarenteed clean and already packed in plastic.

2) Make sure you bring your A Game Underpants... or as I call them. Your "Show Underwear." I'm not saying you have to throw away your holy underwear (far from it, that stuff can breath). No I'm saying if you have a roommate at a conference or if you die in a horrific plane crash you'll want to be wear clean X-Men's Wolverine Underwear!

3) Plan for the unplannable. Bring a flame thrower, cloneing device and foreign currency if you have it.

4) Put big stuff in the suitcase first. Blue jeans always form a nice base.

5) Pack too much stuff. If you'll be gone 3 days bring enough for a week. If a week, pack for a fortnight.

6) Never let someone else pack your bag or leave it unattended, there will be a quiz later.

7) Leave stuff in the dry cleaning bags as long as possible. It's like breaking a $20. Once you break the seal its gone!

8) Instead of packing 13 different kinds of vitamins just collect all the ones you'll need in a large unmarked brown pill bottle or in a ziplock baggy all jumbled up. The airport security will enjoy the dazzling display of color and unlabeled pills.

9) Never pack toothpaste. Just hit up the Hotel for free stuff. I always get free toothpaste, brush, sewing kit, and showercap for every day of my stay. Also, use the entire bottle of conditioner, they'll bring more and it feels aweseome!

10) Music.

11) Carry-one essentials: Chapstick, 3 oz of some liquid, comb, portable video-game, magazine, Bible (in case of crash or emergency sermon), pens, pencils, sudoku/crosswords, tobasco sauce, a Koran (to scare your neighbor on the plane), and gum for ear popping.

12) Other Carry On Items in case the plane crashed and you have survive: Flint (you can't take a knife on board but bringing a rock onboard is ok, combine this with some wreckage to get a spark going.) For that matter can you bring a lighter and matches? Probably, so do it. String (1 million uses). Iodine pills to purify water. Protean bars. Signal mirror. Emergency blanket. A Book Titled: "How to Survive Anywhere with only a flint, a lighter, string, iodine, protean bars, a signal mirror, an emergency blanket and thie book."

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New Years Revolutions 2007

Resolutions are only good if you keep track if they succeeded or failed.

Check out last years Revolutions Here! Clearly it was a mixed bag year:
1. FAILURE - I never rode my bike.
2. FAILURE - I never lifted those weights
3. FAILURE - 2006's diet was a failure. I ate my weight in candy... monthy!
4. SUCCESS - I did shave off my beard.
5. SUCCESS - I got my braces off.
6. MIXED - Some people called my the Duke but not everybody.
7. FAILURE - I continue to buy new books and not read those I haven't read but intend to when I bought them.
8. MIXED - I do live in a house with things on the walls but there is no standard of cleanliness.
9. HA! Forget about it for 2007 while your at it.
10. SUCCESS - I have lived up to the hype and I guess that's all that really matters.

So the 2006 score is 5 failures, 3 success, 2 mixed response.

Now onto new stuff, 2007 Revolutions (it's a revolution because they always come back around):
1. Work out 4 hours a week. Currently Jeff and I average about 4-5, the summer will be the challenge.
2. Organize/Clean my House, I'll add mow the lawn to this item.
3. Run a half marathon.
4. Make significant progress on the Tricenarian List.
5. Rekindle my need for an Awesome Knickname! I'll take the Duke but Nomad would be pretty cool as well.
6. Stop buying new books until I've read the 200 new books I've bought and not gotten around to reading.
7. Visit a doctor when I'm not sick. I've never done this. I'm afraid of doing this. I'm challenging one of my greatest fears here.
8. Fill in Resolution #8
9. Visit Ty, Gina, Killer, and TANK in the NW. (Also figure out who Killer and Tank are.)
10. After living up to the hype in 2006, I plan to RAISE THE BAR in 2007!

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