I Hate Reply All
There are many annoying email things going on now!
I hate Reply All. You should too. It is over used and annoying.
Here is an example of how Reply All abuse gets started:
To: (40+ email accounts in the office)
Subject: FYI - Kitty is Sick
"Hey guys, just FYI, I'll be a little late getting back from lunch, I have
to take Ms. Kitty Paws to the vet.
Thanks for your prayers,
Fake Name McGoo
This email may contain sensitive information that should not
be shared with anyone. Other legal mumbo jumbo, etc etc.
Ok, so this email has several problems:
First, I don't care about your cat.
Second, you emailed too many people this information. They probably agree with point 1.
Third, you put everyone's email in the To: line.
Fourth, your automatic email attached a legal disclaimer to the bottom of an email about your cat. (I didn't know Ms. Kitty Paws' health records were privileged information... and if it is why email everyone on your contact list.)
But lets pretend this is information that everyone needs to know, not a cat-update. If everyone needs to know they all need to get the email but do they all need to be on the To: line? NO!
Also, don't make the mistake of putting everyone on the CC: line either. Most likely everyone needs to be on the BCC: line. If more people did this the Reply All wouldn't be so abused and annoying.
Reply All is only if everyone on the list needs the information your distributing. Here is an example of what not to do:
To: (Everyone McGoo emailed)
Subject: Re: FYI - Kitty is sick.
Hope your cat doesn't need a purrrscription!
Ok, now everyone has gotten two silly emails, one about a cat being sick and one with a bad pun. The problem is everyone else wants to get in the act so you get 10 more emails with messages like:
- I hope her illness doesn't give her paws.
- Are you taking her to the vet in a CAT-illac?
- Maybe the cat has mono does she HISS and tell?
- Why won't you tell us what the vet said? Cat got your tongue?
- Is she CAT-atonic?
- Etc.
As you can see people think they are funny when they are not. Please do not reply all! The people I know who are truly funny don't reply all.
In Conclusion:
- Start treating peoples Email address like their home phone number. Don't just give it out to anybody. Use BCC!
- If you must Reply do so only to those individuals who need the info which is most likely only the person who sent it and not ALL.
- If you must reply all, make sure it is really funny!
Your blog post today is nothing more than a very thinly veiled attempt at unleashing some cat humor on the world.
Shame on you!!
This is purrfect. I'm going to send it to everyone!!!
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