The Tricenarian List
An Octogenarian is 80. A Tricenarian is 30. And I can clearly see this date on the horizon. And when I get to that milestone I want to have accomplished some things. Things I've been putting off and might continue to do so until I'm a Quinquagenarian (50s). So here is my lofty list, I'm trying to keep them quantitative (that is measurable):
- Fitness: I won't wax poetic but I'm looking for 200-225lbs (wherever a health body fat % turns out) and some goals like 5 miles run in one hour, 10 pull ups, etc. Curently I can do about 2 miles in an hour and that is certainly not a run. Jeff is my workout buddy and it helps to be held accountable for your workout.
- Speak Spanish: Enough to converse in Church and be conversational if I go on a mission trip. Currently I know the Taco Bell menu, a few curse words and the phrase "Sienta Se" which means sit down, the phrase most said to me in high school spanish.
- Learn 500 Bible Passages: I bought a set of 1000 pre-printed flash cards with NIV verses. Each card has between 1 and 3 verses. If I want to finish in time I have to about 4 a week.
- Defend Thesis: This hangs over me like the sword of Damocles. It must get finished if not published.
- Black Belt in a Martial Art: I don't want that watered down karate or tae kwon do for kids. I want Kung Fu or Kav Maga. Anyone want to join me? I need martial arts buddy.
- Master Clown: Ability to juggle 5 balls, 3 rings, and 3 batons (not all at the same time). Currently I can juggle 3 balls or 2 in one hand. Also the ability to do a cartwheel and backhandspring.
- Ideally get a short story or novel published. But realistically enter 3 original short stories to writing contests.
- Guitar Proficiency: Know all the chords, play some songs from memory.
- Other items may be added later
A wish list for accomplishments with a proposed deadline can lead to self-disappointments. Life is too short to be disappointed with oneself for non-accomplishments.
With friends/family to make you accountable and that are supportive can help make things easier to accomplish.
I am still working on a version of numbers 1, 2, 5, and 6 myself. :)
If these are things you enjoy doing, then have at it. You will have fun reaching the goals that you do reach.
If these are things you think you should do, then re-think your list. Life is way too short for that sort of thing.
I admire you for having goals. My goal setting seems to start and stop with "do what needs to be done, as long as it doesn't cut into my goofing around time."
I used to memorize psalms on my bus ride to work. Here's simple method to help you memorize the passages that give you trouble. On a blank notecard, write the entire verse on one side and on the other side, write the first letters to every word, including capitalization and punctuation. The letters help you remember the word that comes next without actually looking it up, which forces your brain to learn faster and better. I know someone who has memorized Romans 6-8 word for word, along with many other chapters in other books of the Bible. This is the memorization method he uses.
I'm glad I didn't set any specific goals: depression would have been a bad birthday gift.
Make sure you do not "should" on yourself. But if you want to - go for it. I'd love to read the short story or novel. And I want to learn to juggle too. I think it would be helpful in Bible Hour. I guess I'd better start since I'm pushing that Quinquagenarian thingy.
I need to start on the Sixtygenarian deal - 1.get in and out of a CrazyBoy recliner un-assisted, 2. have less than 5 cats, 3. have a child who can juggle, 4. be able to exit my house without the use of a forklift device and wall removal, 5. speak Spanish in Farmers Branch, 6. not have Hilary Clinton for President,
a back hand spring...really??? I see the rest of the goals as attainable that may be in the Quatcenarian list.
Ok, to remove all confusion and guesswork here are the age ranges, you've probably heard octogenarian:
Vicenarian - 20-29
Tricenarian - 30-39
Quadragenarian - 40-49
Quinquagenarian - 50-59
Sexagenarian - 60-69
Septuagenarian - 70-79
Octogenarian - 80-89
Nonagenarian - 90-99
Centenarian - 100-110
Supercentenarian - 110+
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