Emily tagged me and I'm not sure if I'm doing this right or not. I think its stuff you may not know about me. It seems like 100 things is a very large and a very small number.
1. I am brutally honest. (I know people say that a lot and mean it as a cool thing about them. Most of them are lying about it anyway. But when I say "brutally honest" I mean it as a character flaw that I have trouble controlling.)
2. My name is Ervin Franklin Laminack III
3. <--- Trey means "the Third" or 3. It is used in poker and roullete jargon. Trey is kind of a formal nickname on par with "Junior" 4. My dream job is author. 5. My favorite hobby is reading. 6. I am a habitual collector. 7. I suffer from male Playboy Bunny Syndrome. (Nobody asks them out because they assume someone that attractive would be taken and busy.) Usually I'm at home reading and find out later about stuff I missed. 8. I can perform a psychic cold reading. I am not psychic but neither are most psychics. 9. I'm learning how to do handwriting analysis. 10. There was a stretch when I 5-10 years old where I vomited at least one or twice a week. I did not have an eating disorder, I had an undiagnosed sinus condition. 11. I may be the 2nd worse spelled in the world. No you are not #1. 12. I stole an inflatable moose head from one of my professors at ACU, I named him "Madeinchina." 13. My father once made me apologize to the manager of a hardware store for
stealing one tenpenny nail I found on the floor of the hardware store and took home with us.
14. I've never seriously proposed to any women.
15. I have asked Kelly Sargent to marry me over the phone. She just laughed. Ouch.
16. I plan on forming an exploratory committee do find myself a wife, but the paperwork is holding me back.
17. I can juggle.
18. I am addicted to video games. Currently my favorite online game is "Vector Tower Defense" I rank in the top 10 high scorers as "DrCreep"
19. I read a comic book every week.
20. I know all the rules to Dungeons and Dragons Editions 1 thru 3.5
21. I am a dork or a geek depending on mood.
22. I taught statistics during college as a G.A. and T.A. I understand multicollinearityand MANCOVA tests. But sometimes it takes me a second to figure out was 6 times 7 seven is.
23. I wanted to be an astronaut as a child.
24. My biggest fear is dying without having been a father.
25. I am not tidy, but I know were things are.
26. I once ate 12 blazing wings in under six minutes with no drink or dipping sauce to get on the wall of flame at BWW. My lips burned for hours.
27. I look Latin classes in elementary school, German in Middle School, Spanish in High School and Greek in College. Of these I speak Greek the best.
28. I formed a fake club at Harding and named it Super Chi. Its symbol was a superman symbol but with an X in the middle.
29. My favorite ice cream is Cookies and Cream.
30. My favorite food is Tex-Mex. (Adding Tex means there is cheese melted on everything and flour instead of corn tortillas.) Runner up is Buffalo Wings.
31. I consider myself an excellent dance. I'm credited with inventing "The Hammer." The secret to good dancing is a lack of shame and practicing in a mirror.
32. I am a member of Psy Chi, the National Honor Society of Pyschology Student.
33. I usually think I'm cyclothymic.
34. Sometime I think I'm kidding myself about cyclothymic and think I'm full on Bipolar. Then I think my psych training has gotten the better of me and I'm probably not either, I'm just hungry.
35. I would spoil my nieces and nephew more if I had more money.
36. I wanted to be a Youth Minister when I was 18. When I did my first internship I decided I didn't like teenagers at all.
37. I consider my 2 years at ACU grad school my "Time of Jonah" when I was trying to run away from being a minister. It didn't work any better for me than it did for Jonah.
38. I have been known by the nicknames: Wondermop, Mojo, T-Dawg, Old Dog Trey, Chilly Mac, T-Lizzle and maybe a feew others. Some of which lasted a long time and some only a little while.
39. I can play the Ukulele... did I already say that?
40. I don't know anybody's birthday but my own and Jesus'. (Yes, I know we don't know Jesus' b-day.)
41. I bought my first CD when I was 17 it was Green Day. (I had a few before then but they were gifts or loaners.)
42. I'm prone to speeding.
43. My dream job is author.
44. My biggest problem is being self-defeating.
45. I have started writing over 100 books only to quit when I thought they didn't measure up to what I thought they should be. I've thought of trying to publish a book with 100 first chapters of books.
46. I once swallowed a live goldfish.
47. I am an archer.
48. I don't work out or eat right.
49. I've saved nothing for retirement.
50. I probably won't need to save for retirement because my poor diet and exercise routine will probably kill me sooner.
51. I worry that the earth will become overpopulated due to increases in medical science, agriculture and globalization and that one day the shoe will drop and a billion people will starve to death.
52. I was president of my High School Student body and National Honor Society.
53. I don't take pictures of things besides church events, and then I get someone else to do it.
54. I can eat the same type of food two days in a row without throwing a hissy fit. (Order something different people).
55. If a place doesn't have Diet Coke I get angry if they serve me Diet Pepsi without saying so. I'd prefer tea or water.
56. I have reoccurring nightmare where an armed man holds our church hostage until one of us sacrifices himself. I volunteer and get shot.
57. I fantasize about winning the lottery. It always includes giving money to churches and setting up scholarships for my nieces and nephew before I go crazy.
58. My fridge at home rarely has solid food. Currently only ketchup, mustard, pickles and take out so old it has its own email address.
59. My fridge always contains cold drinks.
60. I am self-effacing. I hate people who hear me make fun of myself then repeat it back to me as an attack. At least be original in your hate speech.
61. I could have been a used are salesman but I hate the sun.
62. It was hard but I found a job were ADD is an asset.
63. I want to vacation to NY,NY and the Northwest because I think they're cool and because I have friends there.
64. Top 3 things I look for in a woman: Beauty, Sense of Humor, Potentially a Good Mom.
65. I might crumble into a pile of Trey-dust if I didn't have Tuesday-Boy's-Nights.
66. My morning routine can take between 10 minutes and an hour... based on #33.
67. I have voted in every election (major and minor) since I turned 18.
68. I'd vote Libertarian if it wasn't throwing my vote away, hence I vote Republican.
69. I have a lot of toys in my office. People come in and get distracted playing. Its interesting to see how people react to my toys.
70. I've never eaten sushi! There I said it. I've lied about eating it for years! The truth is out, free at last, free at last.
71. I don't intend to eat sushi ever. I think you sushi people are just trendy posers.
72. I talk to myself when alone and often sing and dance around the house, often just singing jibberish.
73. I always want what I can't have. (I'm suddenly tempted to eat sushi. I was just thinking about the valid oriental tradition of eating sushi, and the fact that Travis eats it and he's not a poser.)
74. Ann says I have a warped sense of humor. I said, "Hello Pot, this is the kettle. You're black." (A joke I invented but Jeff has since stolen and quoted back to me on my facebook.)
75. I think I'm too old for facebook and myspace, I have both.
76. I feel shackled by people expectations to be interesting, funny and/or intelligent.
77. Sometimes I'm boring, humorless and stupid.
78. I daydream a lot. Sometimes about Ninja attacks and sometimes about hypothetical social situations and what I might say in them that is interesting, funny and smart.
79. Given the choice between moving it or losing it, I choose lose it.
80. I had a school counsel and nurse double team me one time on my need to get on ADD meds. They had told me about the meeting 2 days in advance and I did my research. I told them to pull up a copy of my report card: All A's in classes. I told them it wasn't impairing my academic functioning and I didn't want to take needless drugs. This stymied them. I had read a book in the Library about over medicating children. I think they intended to convince
me to convince my parents because I talked too much in class.
81. I tend to get to writing and write too long. (see # 80)
82. Top 5 inventions: Printing press, TiVo, Air Conditioning, Internet, Blue Cheese Dressing.
83. I want a smallish dog badly.
84. I work surrounded by women.
85. I'm unsure what to name my future son (if #24 doesn't happen). Can I in good conscience name a kid Ervin Franklin Laminack IV?
86. I've planned my own funeral.
87. My Top 3 Shows you probably don't watch: Flight of the Concords, Frisky Dingo, Metalocalypse. You tube them.
88. The most expensive pair of shoes I own are sandals.
89. My clothes need only meet two standards: Cleanliness and modesty. Fashion and Archaic traditions don't matter. I can tie a tie but I don't like to. It serves no function other than aid children in strangling me.
90. I read a lot! I've said that already but it bears repeating.
91. I'm certain once I finish this list I'll think of 20 better things to put on it.
92. I often suffer from buyers remorse.
93. You know that feeling after an argument or conversation when on the ride home you think of the perfect thing to say. That never happens to me. I always know the perfect thing to say when I need it. (But Tom Hanks was right in "You've Got Mail" this power has a drawback, you throw out a zinger and become Mr. Nasty then feel bad later.)
94. I'd like to own a large hunk of land in the country on a lake. Secluded, nature-ish, but with a cabin with AC, Internet, Tivo and Blue Cheese dressing.
95. I think I would make an excellent Judge or politician, I'm unbribable.
96. I can solve a Rubik's cube in 5 minutes or less. (It used to be 2 minutes or less but I'm out of practice.)
97. I think the Human Brain is the most amazing thing ever!
98. I'm a sinner.
99. I'm a Christian.
100. I think the Reformation call that started the CofC did not reach its target. I believe the we can be the 1st Century church but aren't yet. We made some progress, stopped and adopted new traditions.
Well there it is. I had trouble with the formatting. It kept wanting to put 3 spaces between the #'s or make it all one huge paragraph.
Labels: Lists, Me, Ramblings