Monday, August 06, 2007

Girls Lock-In

You may be wondering why I was at a "Girls only" lock-in. But I was there to basically be a slave.

6pm - Start making Chocolate Fondue. Turns out one of the AC units was out so it was very hot.

7pm - Girls Arrive - I'm still cooking fondue, nuggets and fries. The interns have prepped plates of stuff to dip in chocolate. The interns are keeping the girls busy playing "take a hike," they do silly things like "If you think Lindsey and Leah rock, take a hike!"

7:30pm - Dinner begins. We have Chic-fil-a nuggets and store bought fries that I cook to perfection. The kids think they are "real" fries. They were tottally GBD.

8:00pm - The food it took me an hour and a half to eat is totally devoured in 25 minutes. The girls loved it. I was left with the cleaning. 3 fondue pots and three crock pots are now coated in chocolate. I begin to scrub over the sink.

9:00pm - I'm done scrubbing and the girls are doing Karaoke. The girls ask me to sing a song and I do that thing were I pretend to be shy for 30 seconds, "No I couldn't... I'm not ready... ok fine!" I begin my song by saying, "I dedicate this to song to the two greatest interns ever... Kelly Sargent and Rachel White." My current interns didn't think this was as funny as I did. I sang Proclaimers "500 Miles" with edited lyrics. "When I get done, I know I'm going to be. I'm going to be..."

10:00pm - Crafts. I make a bracelet. With lime green, chocolate and teal beads. People were jealous of it.

Midnight - I make my leave before the devo starts.

6am - Time to make the donuts. I run pick up donuts, OJ and Moo Juice so the girls can have breakfast at 7am. The parents begin arriving at 7:30 and the last one is gone by 8:30.

If was a very girly two days.

I promise my next post will be more pointless than this one.

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At 11:28 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Can you translate for us non-children's ministers/teachers/parents of pre-teens...what is GBD?

At 1:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Proud of you. I know the young ones appreciated the kitchen efforts. Chocolate fondue, huh? Wonder if that could take the place of Wings?


At 1:55 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

You don't have to be a c-min or teacher or parent to know GBD. You just have to like the Food Network.

GBD is golden brown and delicious.

At 4:42 PM, Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

Three things...

1. I'm moderately impressed that you can fondue.
2. If I had known you were going to make jewelry, then I would have placed an order for my mother's birthday.
3. Did you guys use the Wi karaoke?


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