20 Things about Maggie.
Given that lots of my blog community has done the 100 things about themselves. I think its time to put a twist on it. Obviously 100 would be too long, so I settle on 20. Who better to start with than my oldest friend Maggie Inlow. I'm trying to do things she didn't already mention in her 100. This is a dangerous game though, you want to be honest, and not just blow smoke at them.
20 Things about Maggie (Maggie has a link on the Right side of this page to her blog.)
1. There is a picture of Maggie and I kissing poolside. We were both 2.
2. I knew something was up with Maggie and the Intern, they later married.
3. Maggie is able to talk me into almost anything.
4. Maggie is the most uninhibited person I know.
5. Maggie is one of the happiest people I know.
6. Numbers 4 and 5 are related I'm sure.
7. Mags is simultaneously a good gossip and secret-keeper.
8. Maggie and I went to school together 11 of 14 years from K-Freshman Year at College.
9. Maggie can remember the names of all our elementary school teachers we had. *
10. I guarantee Maggie can sing the entire school song for JT Stevens maybe know the words to the SCS Song. **
11. Maggie did not get along with her dorm mom at Harding.
12. Maggie's favorite flowers are tulips.***
13. Maggie causes people to relax around her.
14. Maggie is a good hostess.****
15. Maggie can make this little sandwiches wrapped up in tin foil that I love.
16. Maggie was once in a singing group called "Inner Voice"*****
17. Maggie will occasionally use new words she has just heard out of context.******
18. Maggie was a High School drama star! "Turn back, old man!"
19. Maggie has "Faith like a Child"*******
20. Maggie will NOT stand for dry pallet.
* I cannot.
**Nobody knew the words to the SCS song. "Our father... mumble... mumble... and lead in ... mumble... our Christian School." (She may prove me wrong.)
*** At least they were in High School, do girls taste in flowers ever change or is it set in stone?
*** This is an exception to her normal disorganized state. For a party she'll get the details down.
***** "If if you have have not heard your Inner Voices"
****** For example: I once told Maggie she was "wailing like a banshee". She took that to mean adding "like a banshee" to the end of something made it more emphatic. Later that day she was "hungry like a banshee" an expression I still use. Maggie has no fear of using words in this way. If its wrong its just funnier and she rolls with it.
******* I'm not saying she's childish or her faith is immature or frivolous. I'm saying when she believes she BELIEVES, without equivocation! (Maggie be careful how you use the word equivocation.)
OK Mags, consider yourself Tagged but you can't do me, pay it forward.
Trey-I'm the babysitters' mom. I think I've heard Maggie say "...like a banshee!" You gotta love her!
JTS School Song Lyrics:
Together we stand with thoughts as one to praise our land and school, with hands and hearts we pledge to serve, to learn, be loyal and true.
J T Stevens your the best ever school in the southwest usa... and on it goes!
SCS school song lyrics:
our father will thou bless and lead in righteousness our christian school . grant that each one may be striving continusly to praise and honor thee God bless our school!
you are my oldest and dearest friend... and I do LOVE tulips.
Ok, so I've been reading everybody's blogs and I have reciprocated. You are all too smart, it makes me want to howl like a banshee.
I think I might have that letter from Shawn Magnes somewhere. Totally forgot how funny that was. If if you have have not heard your inner voices.... so funny.
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