Monday, August 27, 2007

First Day of School

I guess I'll play a little slow pitch and discuss the differences between your first day at school your in Junior High and your first day at school at college.

Night Before:
JH: In bed an hour early. Clothes laid out. Lunch packed
Col: In bed 4 hours before you have to be at class

Morning of:
JH: Wake up an hour earlier than normal in anticipation. Mom has prepared a breakfast featuring "brain food" and all 7 food groups. Dress to the 9's, take a photo holding lunch box.
Col: Wake up 15 minutes before class. Luckily clean clothes are available, try to look like you just woke up, shouldn't be hard.

First Day Classes:
JH: Teachers want to make a good first impression. Perhaps they have games or candy prepared but its time to "get to work" you start learning things immediately (usually what you forgot over the summer).
Col: "Syllabus Day" here is your syllabus... see you Wednesday.

JH: Who are these new people?
Col: Where are the new people?

Biggest Fears:
JH: Public embarrassment
Col: Public anonymity.

Biggest Misconception:
JH: Everyone is watching everything I do.
Col: College will go on forever.

JH: Another dietitian prepared meal, featuring a encouraging note written on a napkin. Snack pack optional.
Col: Two chick-fil-a sandwiches, no fries, water to drink... also "lunch" is at 1:30pm.

JH: Boys fight in the schoolyard. Girls rip each other up emotionally with words.
Col: Boys fight on XBox. Girls rip each other up emotionally with text messages.

JH: Reading list and diorama due in 4 weeks.
Col: The syllabus lists a lot of stuff but none of it is due next time you meet... therefore, nothing.

JH: Girls only like slightly effeminate non-threatening boys (Zac Hefron). Boys are either oblivious or obsessed with girls.
Col: Freshman Girls are a hot commodity, single Senior Girls are desperate. Senior Boys are BMOCs, Fish boys have no chance.

After school:
JH: Tell mom everything that happened. Show off new books. Repeat stories when dad gets home.
Col: Nap.

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At 2:53 PM, Blogger Rebecca said...

But in college you sometimes have multiple "first days" of classes. Depending how your academic schedule is set up.

College freshman girls cry a lot. And their excuse is because they are a freshman.

Jr High girls are usally excited to be in a new level of their academic road and meet new friends. (At least that is what I remember from when I was in Jr High.)

At 3:52 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Oh man I loved my first day at Wegdewood. By October I had switched to SCS.
I hated my first day of college(Harding)by December I had switched agian.

At 12:21 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Oh yes, I remember the days of Maggie "Rum Tum Tugger" Weaver...

"If you set me on a mouse then I only want a rat. If you set me on a rat I'd rather chase a mouse...."

Just kidding!

At 10:02 PM, Blogger Katie McB. said...

I had Lailah take my picture on the first day of college to keep up with the tradition.


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