Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I think this is my fav of the three. PHARAOH! With the Whip and Crook that represent the military and agricultural parts of Egypt that Pharaoh is in control of. Above is the Eye of Horus, which I think may be mentioned in the Da Vinci Code for it's "Sacred Geometry" of Phi.
A second shot of Pharaoh.
Haty the Princess has a scarab. And the hieroglyphs for the courtyard and the rope of Isis.
I added this one to get a sense of scale. It looks smallish on the building sometimes but it is taller than those cars down there.
Moses features an "Ankh" that crosslike thing with a circle at the top. Symbol of Life. Also he has glyphs of the Nile and the serpent.

They are all made of 10 foot lengths of 2x4 and expertly painted by a great group of volunteers. We had a very productive work day! Thanks again everyone who helped.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

X-Men, Road Trip and Cheers and Jeers.

I'll post tomorrow or Tuesday with Pics of our Pyramids we made on the workday for VBS! They are awesome wait and see.

This weekend I watch X-Men 1-3. I'd seen 1 and 2 before. And Saturday night we drove out to Richland Hills to see X3. All were good fun. But I'm more interested in discussing the crew who went. I'll do cheers and jeers for the evening.

Cheers for us for doing something fun. I really needed to get away from talking about VBS 24/7.
Jeers for gas prices.
Cheers for the Food Court.
Jeers for everyone wanting what someone else ordered. We should have played musical diner. (Except for the germs.)
Cheers for Josh's fam joining us.
Jeers for me not remembering which brother that was until I got a hint.
Cheers for Lindsey's new drum game.
Jeers for the game not having a blue button!
Cheers for Suzie putting up with Josh being a "racist."
Jeers for people who bring babies to the movies.
Cheers to the person who yelled "Get a babysitter!" when the baby started to cry.
Jeers to Liz for not having seen X1 or X2. What's up with that?!
Cheers for X3! Shnang! (That is the sound of Wolverine's claws coming out.)
Jeers for waiting 3 years for X4.
Cheers for Orange Slush from QT.
Jeers for Brain Freeze!
Cheers for Josh making slush come out my nose by saying, "There were so many slushes in there you could never count them."
Jeers for Josh not being able to count to TEN! There were ten slushes.
Cheers for Lindseys cool new apartment. Yellow!
Jeers for the QT being out of long straws.
Cheers for future hang out plans.

Coming next time: Pictures of the Pyramids of Saturn Road!

Monday, May 22, 2006


If I had one wish it would be for everyone to be as passionate as I am about VBS.

If I had two wishs it would be for everyone to be as passionate about VBS as me and for $1,000,000,000!

If I had three wishes it would be for the VBS passion, the cash and for a dog.

If I had four wishes it would be the VBS passion, the dog, the cash and for everyone to stop telling me to cut my hair.

But if you think about it... if I had a billion bucks I could pay people to be passionate and you could just buy the dog. You'd still have to deal with people wanting me to cut my hair and/or regrow my beard.

So if I had five wishes it would be the cash, to be king of town, for a gold plated robot crime fighting dog, for mind control powers over people's opinions of my hair, and.. am I forgetting something... oh yeah... that junk about the VBS.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mothers Day

I have bought a gift for my mother but I haven't gotten it too her yet, I'm a bad son. I also haven't called yet! I'm getting worse.

Well Mom, I love you and I'm thinking of you. If my job didn't require me to work on Sunday I'd be back in Fort Worth with you and we could go to that Choppy Choppy place you like. I've got your gift on my desk and I will get it too you post haste.

While you wait for your gift I'll share a story about my mother:

When I was in college my mother took matters into her own hands, she thought I was single at the time. A fact that was not true. I just didn't tell her when I was dating someone to avoid the discussion of when I will marry them and what our children will named, and when we are married will we live near her and so forth. She does this because she love me and wants to see me happy.

Anyway, her "single" son needed help because I'm such a sad sack. So she fills out an online dating service in my name complete with a bio that makes me sound fantastic. (Because when you mother describes you she only sees the good stuff.) I have nothing against online dating per say but it is bizarre for someone to fill it out for you.

So out of nowhere I start getting emails and phone calls from girls I don't know. I assumed I must have met them somewhere but had forgotten. But I became suspicious when some of them lived a long way away.

I eventually found the website and changed my profile to not include my number or email address. I also changed the bio questions.

For "My Ideal first date:" Mom had put something like, going on a picnic and playing with my cute nieces and other emotional drivel, which surprisingly girls liked. My mom could easily pick up women online with her banter. Anyway I replaced it with "My Ideal First Date: We meet somewhere secluded, where there is no cell phone reception and we can be totally alone. Also, I'd bring my collection of knives, ducts tape and vintage medical equipment." Regardless to say, the phone calls dried up.

Love you MAMA!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


Ok so it's been over a month since I annoyed you all with a discussion of Comic Books. But I have to do so because today I had an apostrophe about what Hero I truly am. As cool as it be I am not a Brooding Batman, a Boyscout like Superman, Patriotic like Capt. America. I'm dangerously close to the quick-witted-scientific Spiderman, but no I'm.... SHAZAM!.... Captain Marvel!

Captain Mavel
"Earth's Mightiest Mortal"
True Name: Billy Batson
Powers: From his magic word "SHAZAM!" An acronym for the 6 powers he has.
S - Solomon's Wisdom
H - Hercules' Strength
A - Atlas' Stamina
Z - Zeus's Power/Magic
A - Achilles' Courage
M - Mercury's Speed

History: Created in the Golden Age of comics his origin is contemporary to that of Superman and the other old timers. Although less well known than Superman he is his physical match if not stronger due to his lack of weakness like Superman's kryptonite and magic problems.

Billy Batson is a young boy who is granted magical powers by the Wizard Shazam to fight for justice (at least a child's understanding of justice). When he says his magic word he transforms into Captain Marvel (the spitting image of his murdered father). So therein lies his appeal to comic readers, a child with the strength of an adult.

Well I still feel like Billy Batson. Just a kid who suddenly finds he has the power and responsibility of a grown up. I would rather play XBox 360 than pay my bills but SHAZAM! I'm suddenly an adult. I may be able to bend steal and drive a car but I'm just masquerading as an adult.

Monday, May 08, 2006

House Warming Party

Cece organized a "Pounding" aka "Housewarming" for me last night. It goes by many names but I cracked the code, it is all slang for "Shower." I've never been to a shower before and for my first one to by my own was a little odd. We even had CofC punch (white grape and 7up this time).

First and most important, a BIG thank you to everybody who came and brought gifts and cookies and stuff. I'm happy to be at a church that is so welcoming and cool.

Secondly, a shower is embarrassing. If you read my last Birthday post (or if you know me) you know I don't really feel comfortable receiving gifts. I told people for years my Birthday was 9-11 so they wouldn't throw a party. Anyway... a shower is basically a lot of gift giving. I'm am very grateful for all the stuff I was given (because I really do need that stuff for my empty house) but the embarrassing part is opening all the gifts in front of a crowd of people.

Well, so here I am opening all these gifts and cards and what not. And I'm told I have to read all the cards. So now I'm reading 50 different ways hallmark has to say "Congrats on your new home." And it turns out they make 50 different cards for this occasion. Isn't that amazing? 50 different cards for a new home! What times we live in, right. About halfway through I picked up a card and read my name on the front and said, "Oh, look, another one for me." That was basically the high water mark.

I was taken back by how much people seem to like me here at Saturn Road. Perhaps I think everyone feels the same way about me that I do; That I'm a fraud. But at least I'm a fraud with a new casserole dish.

Again, thanks everybody for all the thoughtful stuff! And its not too late to give! ;P (But don't make me open in front of an audience.)

Monday, May 01, 2006

If I was President...

If I was President...

... I'd get ride of daylight savings time and just live in reality all year.

... I'd mandate that waiters go through some kind of training.

... I'd deport all caught playing soccer to Mexico where they will find more pick up games and be around me less.

... I'd attack Canada with CIA trained killer bees.

... I'd send a sniper over to Castroland. Honestly what is he still doing in power down there, just holding up imports as far as I can tell.

... I'd own a nice home @ 1600 Pen and wouldn't have to replace the linoleum on mine.

... I'd make a promise to all Americans "A Jackal in every garage and a big pile of money in the mail." (Did I mention I'd raise taxes?)

... I'd legalized a lot of illegal things like spitting on the sidewalk, eating ice cream on Sunday and whatever else stikes my fancy.

... I'd reinstate Blue Laws. No non-professional sports and most business are to be open on Sunday or past 5 on Wednesday. The only businesses allowed open are restaurant, grocery stores, gas stations and baskin robbins.

... I'd build a big wall to keep Soccer players and other undesirables out of the US across both of our borders and extending 20 miles into the sea. The wall sall be electified, covered in broken glass and barbed wire and patrolled by dogs (in the sea the dogs will be replaced with attack dolphins). All illegals currently in the US have 14 days amnesty to register. Thereafter all illegals shall be catapulted over the wall... to CANADA! Take that Canada!

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