I'll post tomorrow or Tuesday with Pics of our Pyramids we made on the workday for VBS! They are awesome wait and see.
This weekend I watch X-Men 1-3. I'd seen 1 and 2 before. And Saturday night we drove out to Richland Hills to see X3. All were good fun. But I'm more interested in discussing the crew who went. I'll do cheers and jeers for the evening.
Cheers for us for doing something fun. I really needed to get away from talking about VBS 24/7.
Jeers for gas prices.
Cheers for the Food Court.
Jeers for everyone wanting what someone else ordered. We should have played musical diner. (Except for the germs.)
Cheers for Josh's fam joining us.
Jeers for me not remembering which brother that was until I got a hint.
Cheers for Lindsey's new drum game.
Jeers for the game not having a blue button!
Cheers for Suzie putting up with Josh being a "racist."
Jeers for people who bring babies to the movies.
Cheers to the person who yelled "Get a babysitter!" when the baby started to cry.
Jeers to Liz for not having seen X1 or X2. What's up with that?!
Cheers for X3! Shnang! (That is the sound of Wolverine's claws coming out.)
Jeers for waiting 3 years for X4.
Cheers for Orange Slush from QT.
Jeers for Brain Freeze!
Cheers for Josh making slush come out my nose by saying, "There were so many slushes in there you could never count them."
Jeers for Josh not being able to count to
TEN! There were ten slushes.
Cheers for Lindseys cool new apartment.
Yellow!Jeers for the QT being out of long straws.
Cheers for future hang out plans.
Coming next time: Pictures of the Pyramids of Saturn Road!