Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fare thee well Pluto we hardly knew ye.

Last week the IAU declared Pluto was no longer a planet. I'll let you react to that for a second...

.... how does it make you feel?

Some of you are likely annoyed. "They can't do that!" - Yes, they can, they are the scientists in control of their field. If it comes down to them or you making the decission, guess what you don't matter. Do you even own a telescope?

Some of you are likely pragmatic. "What are they going to do with all those textbooks?!" - Well you strange cheap person, they will keep on using them and just pencil in the new facts. There are still books in circulation in the public school that only refer to first war in Iraq as "trouple ahead."

Some of you are disinterested. "What do I care?" Well I guess you don't have to.

Some of you are interested. "Well, that's interesting." And you'd be right.

Let's face it, we only had Planet Pluto for 76 years (it was only discovered in 1930)! Use this small scientific modern experience as a microcosm of how you'd've reacted to discoveries in the past. IF you are annoyed or in denial about Pluto how would you have reacted to the earth no longer being the center of the universe. (This was held as fact for thousands of years, then one day, it changed.)

Pluto is now a "Dwarf Planet". Part of the reason it got demoted is because there are as many as 50 other objects in the Kuiper belt that are like Pluto. And if it becomes a planet so does Charon and Xena. That's right there is a dwarf planet called Xena.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

"When the bomb drops" Part 1

Something Danny said last time made me think about what we'd do if the internet was down on a global scale. I often think about how I would survive in different post apocalyptic environments.

So I've decided to make a regular blog article about how to survive "when the bomb drops." Of course "WtBD" is just a metaphor for all kinds of global destruction or disruption. For example it could be a meteor, an EMP, the apocalypse, a virus (biological, cyber or perhaps a hybrid), killed ninja llamas, or something far fetched like WW3.

Anyway, I want to be prepared! And I'd like some of you to be prepared with me. So let's see... what does it take to survive WtBD?

First, learn to be independent. Can you survive alone? Can you support yourself? What would you eat and drink. Be self-sufficient.

Second, you can't do it alone. I know it sounds like it contradicts Law 1, but there will be nobody in the group that can't pull their own weight. Form up into survival teams. Nobody can learn all we need to know. Strangely people skills will be more important ever WtBD. In my click we need people who have specialized knowledge like first aid, construction and agriculture. Don't worry, I'll cover leadership skills, archery, fishing, diplomatic relations with other tribes and defense of our compound from roaming bands of savages.

What compound you say? Oh, there will be a mighty compound. Wait for part 2 or 3 for more about the compound. It'll be part organic farm, part Waco, and part Disneyland.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Internet Down for a WEEK and a HALF!

Ok so, that was probably the longest time I've spent off the net since Junior High. And now its back up! You should see my Inbox, almost 2 weeks of emails arrived this morning, and no, I don't want to improve my manliness.

What's weird is how much we take the net for granted. Even though they said it would be down for a while I still opened up internet explorer 12 times a day to get that sad can not connect page. I wish I'd've kept a list of what I wanted to search for on any given day.

Also, I realize I'm not as smart as I think I am. Some of the things I "think" I "know" are actually just things I know how to look up quickly on the net. And some of the things "I can do" turned out to be things the internet could do for me.

Well, I'm back.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Immaculate Conception vs. The Virgin Birth

Check out Lindsey My Space to hear the Victim version of Friday nights events. The way I saw it. She blew us off for her new friends, then decides to grace us with her presence. Then we laugh about her food obsession. What makes me angry is that is in such good shape! She blogs and thinks about food 24/7 but it doesn't translate into lbs.

Ok then the Grudge kid was stalking us from accross the iHop! As usual we were the loudest table in the restaraunt and people looked at us like we were nuts. Strangly we ate in the booth on step down from the previous time we were there and even picked up the exact same conversation! We'll sit one down next time and continue again.

But the highlight of the evening is when Lindsey said she was secretly afraid of being the next "Immaculate Conception!" What she really means is the next virgin birth. Because the Immaculate conception refers not to the virgin birth but to the fact that Mary was born free of original sin by God so she could house Jesus in her womb. (They have become synonymous but refer to two different ideas. Christians of all creeds believe in the Virgin Birth but really only Catholics believe in the immaculate conception.)

Anyway, Lindsey spits out that she is the next Virgin Mary and we all have good laugh. Also I had pancakes! Mmm... pancakes. (Also Stephen, Ashley and Katie were there. They can witness the fact this all thse events really happened... even the pancakes.)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Prisoner

Where an I?

The Village.
What do you want?
We want Information.
Whose side are you on?
That would be telling. We want information.
You won't get it.
By hook or by crook, we will.
Who are you?
The New Number 2.
Who is Number 1?
You are Number 6.
I am not a number I am a free man.
(Number 2 laughs.)

And with those words each episode begins of the coolest show to ever cross the pond from the UK! Patrick McGoohan is the bomb! He's the prisoner and the coolest customer you'll ever want to battle at Kosho.

I've been watching the Prisoner with my friends the Hey Mans's' and we have but one episode left. So I thought it was a good time to post about it.

The show debuted on the BBC in the 70s and made its way to the US. It is one of those cult underground that are usually too coo for me. But I got into it. I used to subject my mother to them and she hated it (perhaps why I started liking it ;P).

- Secret Agent who's name we never learn Resigns from his post.
- He is captured and taken to "The Village" with other secret agent types ands people who know to much.
- It is unclear "which side" is in control his former bosses or the enemy.
- He is given the Number 6. Number 2 is in charge of the village
- The wardens, some of whom pose as other prisoners, try and break him! "Why did he resign?"

Sounds pretty straight forward but it is the trippiest show I've ever seen. It was ahead of its time. If you like how "Lost" keeps you guessing you'd like the series.

Lots of peculiar stuff happens, their culture is all messed up, they all say "Be seeing you" instead of goodbye, complete with a hand gesture. They ride around on penny-farthing bikes (one big wheel with an umbrella). There is a Rover that polices the area, basically a big balloon that will suffocate you.

Come to think of it "Lost" makes a lot more sense, and is less fun and free spirited. There is a whole episode of the prisoner set in the old wild west instead of its normal ultra-modern spy theme.

A few links for the interested:
Wikipedia - The Prisoner - (Caution Spoilers Lurk Here)
IMDB - The Prisoner
The Prisoner Made of Lego's -
The Prisoner Theories Page - Offers a "Beginner's Page" also check out the quotes page with lots of MP3s like the one below.
“I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! ... My life is my own.”

I've got a great pic of Homer Simpson and Number 6 talking in an episode of the prisoner that I can't get to load so just google it yourself.

Want to know more? Well:
"Questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself."

Be seeing you.

Monday, August 07, 2006

My Space Hold Out is Over

Well, I finally put something on my My Space. I'm not really sure how to add friends but here is a link to my My Space. My Space is a little more out there than Blogspot in viewship but I might as well jump in. By far the worst part is having to say "my My Space." What's up with that?


I want to be your "friend" I'm just not sure how or why I want such a thing. Anyway... flock to me blogers. I'll still be doing my blogging here if you want more timely pithy remarks.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Epiphany: Don't be a good steward of what you've been given

Don't be a good steward of what you've been given? Well I don't really mean that like it sounds, I don't mean be a bad steward, I mean let God be the steward. Have faith, he'll keep giving good gifts! Now the story of the apostrophe... I mean epiphany.

Sometimes when you are presenting the fruits of all that research and study don't fully jell until you are in front of an audience. This happened to me in Abilene. (Which went very well, thank you very much... although Kelly Sargent is now dead to me.) I was presenting and talking about 5 loaves and 2 fishes and suddenly dozens of tidbits from all over the lesson suddenly drew together in my mind into a beautiful tapestry.

I was relaying what the Apostles where saying behind Jesus' back at the feeding of the 5 thousand. Judas gets out his abacus and starts to calculate... ONE YEARS salary to feed all these people? Do we have that much? If we do we AIN'T spending it on some luncheon in the park. Not just Judas but all the apostles showed a lack of faith and eventually Judas puts this lack of faith into an audible form by saying "We've got to be good stewards of what we've been given."

Ok so I laid it on pretty thick and everybody in the room groaned! They groaned loudly! We all shared a moment, we've all heard it said "Be a good steward of what we've been given." And judging by their reaction they've seen this used not about money but to squelch some idea or plan because it costs too much.

So I asked the audiences, "Should we be good stewards of what we've been given?" They all were said to nod that they probably should. Then I said, "Really? Was Jesus a good steward of what he was given?" When he had to feed 5000 people he didn't bother counting the money he just knew they needed to be fed. Clearly the message her was not that "We should share like the boy with the lunch." The message is "We should have faith UNLIKE the apostles in the power of Jesus."

And what happened to all that Gold, Frankenberry and Myrrh?! Shouldn't he have invested that as a child and used the interest to pay for a carpenters shop or to recarpet the synagogue? Where did he squander all that, on that little trip they took to Egypt?

And what's up with pouring pure nard on your feet! That could have been sold to feed the homeless! Jesus should have sold that and opened a soup kitchen.

Clearly Jesus was not concerned about money. He consistently showed that money should be used not saved. And from the story that will never be forgotten we learn that it is ok to really indulge our love for God. Couldn't the woman have brought some generic perfume! No way! Jesus deserved the name brand good stuff!

So I ask my audience where does "be a good steward of what we've been given come from?" And what gives this statement the power to squelch anything! I think it is used when someone wants to oppose an idea but not speak out against it directly. It's not that they don't like projectors its that we can't afford them.

So workshop said it probably came from the parable of the talents and I said, I think that's true. But if you really look at it, who gets the worst treatment? The person who was the most protective of his money! He got it taken away from him before you got to use it. At least he should have banked it for interest. That is basically the least you should do: interest in a bank.

Another parable mentions a man who builds bigger barns with all his savings. He had to open a new bank account to keep his money in. But what happens to that guy? CROAKED in his sleep and someone else got to spend the money he'd saved. So spend it while you got it.

But clearly there is a higher calling for what to do with your money in the story. Those who were blessed went out and invested it! And what does invest mean? In basically means put it at risk. You can't invest in a stock without the risk of it bottoming out. But you have to risk the lows to get those big highs! And if we have faith, we can invest and know that he will increase it! And if he doesn't we have the faith that we can live on what is left and God will provide again.

Jesus had that attitude: Use what you've got to do good! Sometimes you make a 1000% profit, but if you have nothing, do good with nothing in your pockets. I don't think Jesus would be against some rational saving process for individuals for retirement or college or whatever. But clearly when it came to ministry he spent it like it was burning a hole in his pocket!

I'm happy to say I try to be like Jesus: I spend the budget I'm given to do as much good as I can! If they gave me more I'd spend more (in fact I regularly spend my own money and forget to turn in the reciepts). And if one day I have to work with only a tiny fraction of this budget I'll spend all of it to do as much good as I can. I don't let money burn a hole in my pocket. I don't want to get caught counting beans when there are souls being counted.

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