Thursday, August 24, 2006

"When the bomb drops" Part 1

Something Danny said last time made me think about what we'd do if the internet was down on a global scale. I often think about how I would survive in different post apocalyptic environments.

So I've decided to make a regular blog article about how to survive "when the bomb drops." Of course "WtBD" is just a metaphor for all kinds of global destruction or disruption. For example it could be a meteor, an EMP, the apocalypse, a virus (biological, cyber or perhaps a hybrid), killed ninja llamas, or something far fetched like WW3.

Anyway, I want to be prepared! And I'd like some of you to be prepared with me. So let's see... what does it take to survive WtBD?

First, learn to be independent. Can you survive alone? Can you support yourself? What would you eat and drink. Be self-sufficient.

Second, you can't do it alone. I know it sounds like it contradicts Law 1, but there will be nobody in the group that can't pull their own weight. Form up into survival teams. Nobody can learn all we need to know. Strangely people skills will be more important ever WtBD. In my click we need people who have specialized knowledge like first aid, construction and agriculture. Don't worry, I'll cover leadership skills, archery, fishing, diplomatic relations with other tribes and defense of our compound from roaming bands of savages.

What compound you say? Oh, there will be a mighty compound. Wait for part 2 or 3 for more about the compound. It'll be part organic farm, part Waco, and part Disneyland.


At 11:51 AM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

OK, I learned in 1st grade 50 years ago - don't look directly at the mushroom cloud, duck and cover in an interior hallway, and if you are outside, grab a sheet from the clothsline and cover yourself flat on the ground.
I would like to be issued a Civil Defense helmet please.

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sure wish I had my grandparents around. They could grow their own food, build their house and live from season to season until the crops came in. My Grandfather once lived on $15 for an entire year.

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

I will just make sure that Don Garland is in my "tribe". He can make anything.

At 6:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just remember, we have to assume that power tools will most likely be useless, so 'people who can make anything' better be able to do it with manual tools!

Check out 'The Day the Universe Changed', chapter 1 (James Burke). It covers this exact scenario. His basic premise is that civilization, as we define it, (compounds, whatever you want to call it) began with the invention of the plow. Until you know how to use one and what the planting seasons are, you will not survive unless you are a nomad.

At 1:46 PM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

Travis can grow organic crops and milk goats and make goat cheese.
Item 1: We need goats.
Item 2: We need land that is not radioactive.


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