Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Prisoner

Where an I?

The Village.
What do you want?
We want Information.
Whose side are you on?
That would be telling. We want information.
You won't get it.
By hook or by crook, we will.
Who are you?
The New Number 2.
Who is Number 1?
You are Number 6.
I am not a number I am a free man.
(Number 2 laughs.)

And with those words each episode begins of the coolest show to ever cross the pond from the UK! Patrick McGoohan is the bomb! He's the prisoner and the coolest customer you'll ever want to battle at Kosho.

I've been watching the Prisoner with my friends the Hey Mans's' and we have but one episode left. So I thought it was a good time to post about it.

The show debuted on the BBC in the 70s and made its way to the US. It is one of those cult underground that are usually too coo for me. But I got into it. I used to subject my mother to them and she hated it (perhaps why I started liking it ;P).

- Secret Agent who's name we never learn Resigns from his post.
- He is captured and taken to "The Village" with other secret agent types ands people who know to much.
- It is unclear "which side" is in control his former bosses or the enemy.
- He is given the Number 6. Number 2 is in charge of the village
- The wardens, some of whom pose as other prisoners, try and break him! "Why did he resign?"

Sounds pretty straight forward but it is the trippiest show I've ever seen. It was ahead of its time. If you like how "Lost" keeps you guessing you'd like the series.

Lots of peculiar stuff happens, their culture is all messed up, they all say "Be seeing you" instead of goodbye, complete with a hand gesture. They ride around on penny-farthing bikes (one big wheel with an umbrella). There is a Rover that polices the area, basically a big balloon that will suffocate you.

Come to think of it "Lost" makes a lot more sense, and is less fun and free spirited. There is a whole episode of the prisoner set in the old wild west instead of its normal ultra-modern spy theme.

A few links for the interested:
Wikipedia - The Prisoner - (Caution Spoilers Lurk Here)
IMDB - The Prisoner
The Prisoner Made of Lego's -
The Prisoner Theories Page - Offers a "Beginner's Page" also check out the quotes page with lots of MP3s like the one below.
“I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! ... My life is my own.”

I've got a great pic of Homer Simpson and Number 6 talking in an episode of the prisoner that I can't get to load so just google it yourself.

Want to know more? Well:
"Questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself."

Be seeing you.


At 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude! I sure hope you have a free evening Friday or Saturday so that we can watch the final episode. Then I will have to figure out something else to use to get you over here for dinner on a regular basis. You got any ideas??

At 9:17 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

swedish masseuse?

At 11:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dig French maids myself. Oui Oui!

At 10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are both pigs!!

At 10:02 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

oui! oui! oink! oink!

At 11:05 AM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

the prisoner, blah,blah,blah (I can't understand, I won't understand.

At 1:21 AM, Blogger Ashley N said...

So I just went to another movie tonight (Saturday) and there was a preview for THE GRUDGE 2!! I was dying laughing thinking of the little boy at Ihop!


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