Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fare thee well Pluto we hardly knew ye.

Last week the IAU declared Pluto was no longer a planet. I'll let you react to that for a second...

.... how does it make you feel?

Some of you are likely annoyed. "They can't do that!" - Yes, they can, they are the scientists in control of their field. If it comes down to them or you making the decission, guess what you don't matter. Do you even own a telescope?

Some of you are likely pragmatic. "What are they going to do with all those textbooks?!" - Well you strange cheap person, they will keep on using them and just pencil in the new facts. There are still books in circulation in the public school that only refer to first war in Iraq as "trouple ahead."

Some of you are disinterested. "What do I care?" Well I guess you don't have to.

Some of you are interested. "Well, that's interesting." And you'd be right.

Let's face it, we only had Planet Pluto for 76 years (it was only discovered in 1930)! Use this small scientific modern experience as a microcosm of how you'd've reacted to discoveries in the past. IF you are annoyed or in denial about Pluto how would you have reacted to the earth no longer being the center of the universe. (This was held as fact for thousands of years, then one day, it changed.)

Pluto is now a "Dwarf Planet". Part of the reason it got demoted is because there are as many as 50 other objects in the Kuiper belt that are like Pluto. And if it becomes a planet so does Charon and Xena. That's right there is a dwarf planet called Xena.


At 2:09 PM, Blogger stacey4 said...

HA! Madison told me about that last week!

At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I actually met the man who discovered the now non-planet Pluto. He gave a talk to us in Jr. High School. (that is what us old timers called middle school). anyway, he was so kind and gentle with a twinkle in his eye. He spoke of the planet as he would of one of his children. Dr. Tombough (I believe) was his name. I wrote a paper about wanting to be an astronomer after I heard him. funny how things turn out. I'm not an astronomer, and Pluto is no longer a planet. Coincidence?!?

At 6:22 AM, Blogger Danny Sims said...

What will come of Goofy?


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