Monday, August 14, 2006

Immaculate Conception vs. The Virgin Birth

Check out Lindsey My Space to hear the Victim version of Friday nights events. The way I saw it. She blew us off for her new friends, then decides to grace us with her presence. Then we laugh about her food obsession. What makes me angry is that is in such good shape! She blogs and thinks about food 24/7 but it doesn't translate into lbs.

Ok then the Grudge kid was stalking us from accross the iHop! As usual we were the loudest table in the restaraunt and people looked at us like we were nuts. Strangly we ate in the booth on step down from the previous time we were there and even picked up the exact same conversation! We'll sit one down next time and continue again.

But the highlight of the evening is when Lindsey said she was secretly afraid of being the next "Immaculate Conception!" What she really means is the next virgin birth. Because the Immaculate conception refers not to the virgin birth but to the fact that Mary was born free of original sin by God so she could house Jesus in her womb. (They have become synonymous but refer to two different ideas. Christians of all creeds believe in the Virgin Birth but really only Catholics believe in the immaculate conception.)

Anyway, Lindsey spits out that she is the next Virgin Mary and we all have good laugh. Also I had pancakes! Mmm... pancakes. (Also Stephen, Ashley and Katie were there. They can witness the fact this all thse events really happened... even the pancakes.)


At 5:15 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

I saw a preview for the Grudge 2 the very next day. I freaked out.

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

p.s. thanks for making me sound dumb. I'm no Biblical scholar. Sure I doubled with a Bible major, but since I was the only girl in most of my Bible classes, I was able to get good grades without doing all the work. I just complimented my teachers on their ties. It worked like a charm.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

The girl who flirted her way through a Christian college thinks she's the next Virgin Mary? How very Maggie of you... did you bake a pie?

At 8:07 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

i am proud of my skills in the kitchen and how far the flirting has taken me in life. I will teach both of these things to Maisy!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Ashley N said...

I only read your blog because I did Ctrl + F for my name and saw that you mentioned me...oh wait no that's what you do :)

But glad I was mentioned...this was hilarious!


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