Monday, November 27, 2006

What I'm Thankful for the Monday after Thanksgiving

  • Time off work (and a job I'm starting to believe I might be good at)
  • Seeing Mom relax with her 12 cats
  • Dad and I sharing a hot tub dip
  • Travis and I solving a few crosswords
  • That Uncle Frank didn't have a heart attack and is doing well
  • Seeing Scott, James and Robin on Saturday. (I think its amazing that James and I can fall right back into it after a 4 year seperation. We truly click together, I'm glad he's back in the metroplex.)
  • Jalapeno Butter Flavor Injected Turkey
  • Seeing Ryan, Maggie, Maisy and Weaver over the break, and seeing Maisy do some interesting "dances."
  • That Graham didn't cut his finger off
  • Having a work out buddy

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Tricenarian List

An Octogenarian is 80. A Tricenarian is 30. And I can clearly see this date on the horizon. And when I get to that milestone I want to have accomplished some things. Things I've been putting off and might continue to do so until I'm a Quinquagenarian (50s). So here is my lofty list, I'm trying to keep them quantitative (that is measurable):

  1. Fitness: I won't wax poetic but I'm looking for 200-225lbs (wherever a health body fat % turns out) and some goals like 5 miles run in one hour, 10 pull ups, etc. Curently I can do about 2 miles in an hour and that is certainly not a run. Jeff is my workout buddy and it helps to be held accountable for your workout.
  2. Speak Spanish: Enough to converse in Church and be conversational if I go on a mission trip. Currently I know the Taco Bell menu, a few curse words and the phrase "Sienta Se" which means sit down, the phrase most said to me in high school spanish.
  3. Learn 500 Bible Passages: I bought a set of 1000 pre-printed flash cards with NIV verses. Each card has between 1 and 3 verses. If I want to finish in time I have to about 4 a week.
  4. Defend Thesis: This hangs over me like the sword of Damocles. It must get finished if not published.
  5. Black Belt in a Martial Art: I don't want that watered down karate or tae kwon do for kids. I want Kung Fu or Kav Maga. Anyone want to join me? I need martial arts buddy.
  6. Master Clown: Ability to juggle 5 balls, 3 rings, and 3 batons (not all at the same time). Currently I can juggle 3 balls or 2 in one hand. Also the ability to do a cartwheel and backhandspring.
  7. Ideally get a short story or novel published. But realistically enter 3 original short stories to writing contests.
  8. Guitar Proficiency: Know all the chords, play some songs from memory.
  9. Other items may be added later
So you're asking yourself how much time does he have to do this? Well 957 Days! That's 2 Years, 7 Months and 14 days or 136 weeks, whichever is easier.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Video Making the Rounds at our Church

Friday, November 10, 2006

Decision 2006: Fallout Continues

If you've thought, "It doesn't really effect me?"

Well, with Dem's in charge of the Senate, Ted Kennedy is now Chairmen of the Senate Health Comittee.

Mmm... healthy

Is this the man you want in charge of the health of the nation? Yikes!

Pardon me Ted, but medically speaking what do you call it when you asphixiate due to water on the lungs trapped in a car at the bottom of the river? Ohh... that's right Saturday night.

(I went with this over a number of perfectly good drunk jokes.)

Ok I promise no more politcal junk for a while.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Workout Week 1

Part of me wants to be accountable on my blog to how often I work out and how much weight I've lost (hopefully) each week.

Part of me wants to keep it private, especially if I backslide or whatever.

Most of me doesn't want to be a person with a blog that talks about his workout schedule.

But this week I've lost "Biggest Loser" numbers. Although I don't want to be on that show because its lame and you are on TV with your shirt off. On Danny's blog he used to put a number at the bottom corner that signified how much he gained or lost that week, should I steal that?

P.S. I'm annoyed at the election turnout. People wanted to "send a message" to Bush and all we got is a county with nothing but Liberal Judges now. Because if there is one thing Dallas county needs it is Judges who are softer on crime. Plan backfire. I voted, did you vote? You people!

P.P.S I'm broken up about Britney and K-Fed. I think she times the divorce to happen during the election so it won't get as much coverage.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Monday Songs

Name that Monday Artist:
Honor System, No Googling Allowed, Reply with your answers

1. "Monday, Monday, Can't trust that day." Or can we?

2. "You can kiss me on a Monday, a Monday, a Monday, is very very good" I think Lindsey once said she thought she was the only person who knew this song existed.

4. "I wish it was Sunday, 'cause that's my funday. My I don't have to run day. It's just another..." Of course being a minister I feel this song is backwards, Sunday is hectic.

5. "Talkin to myself and feeling old. Sometimes I'd like to quit, nothing ever seems to fit."

6. "How I hate - - - Monday. Got to work like a slave all day. Here come Tuesday, oh hard Tuesday. I'm so tired got no time to play."

7. "I spent four lonely days in a brown L.A. hazeand I just want you back by my side."

8. "Are you ready? I said get ready... all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight!"
- I think Hey Man called this guy makes a living as "A Caricature of Himself"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thoughts upon finally joining a gym...

  • This places smells like bleach.
  • When did they start making these weights so heavy.
  • How come Jeffro is like in 3 times better shape than I am, even though I could easily beat him in a hotwing eating contest, the world isn't equitable.
  • I should have brought my own water.
  • What would people do if I ate some Halloween candy while I was on this treadmill?
  • I'm being passed on the walking course by a little old lady who is getting her hip replaced while she is passing me.
  • Could I beat those old dudes at racquetball?
  • It takes surprisingly little make me sweet.
  • I should have started this a year ago, then I'd be done by now.

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