Monday, February 20, 2006

Weekend Follow Up: Slid out, cough up & camp in.

I've been ill. I wasn't feeling well Saturday. I decided as I slid around the highways Saturday night that I better just go home. Then for the first time in years I missed Sunday morning church because I was sick.

I tried to sleep but ended up watching idiots on the news slide into each other. Then I got a call canceling church Sunday night (so i'm off the hook, I only officially missed one service, I'll go twice next Sunday to make up for it). I couldn't bear to order a pizze in (because the man would have to drive on ice and I looked like death warmed over) but I did have pasta sauce Becky gave me to sustain me until I bear to leave the flat again.

Here are the symptoms of my illness:
1. Hotness
2. Occassionally coolness.
3. Lung-butter
4. Hallucinations/Delusions of granduer.
5. Fatigue
6. Growing a third arm.
7. The urge to redecorate my bathroom.
8. Desire to drink lots Wanda's secret "cough syrup" recipee.

To be honest I'm often #1. Also, #4 might be a result of me licking a tree frog to get over symptoms 2 & 3. And it turns out I just counted the left arm twice on #6. I conquered the urge of #7 by consulting the tree frog again. If you don't know about Wanda's recipee you'll have to buy the SRCC cookbook.

I hope none of you slid around on the ice (or had to stay home and mop up lung-butter)

This weekend started well, I went to an Arena Football game Friday and had a great time. I seem to only want to post a weekend roundup when it goes poorly... I dug back in the archives and found three or four "weekend followup/roundup/recap" posts search "weekend" above and click search this blog if you want to hear more about my uneventful weekends. When I did so I found these links:

Sickness - I was sicker back then than I was this weekend. I want to amend my statement on that blog that the next doctor I see I want to be doing my autopsy. I'd like to see a doctor about lasik and lapband before then.
How do we know it's monday? - As true today as the Monday it was written on, or was it Tuesday?
Weekend Follow up: Throw up, Set up, Hook Up - A post about 6 flags, VBS and people wanting to Hook me up with someone I already know.
The Weekend Update - Do you wish you "knew what you know now, when you were younger" or do you "didn't know now what you didn't know then"?
Another "The Weekend Update"- In which I discuss my grandmother passing away on my birthday. Darn, I had forgotten that.

This is why you shouldn't re-live the past. Most of my weekends were spent working, alone, sick or depressed. I think I can do better.


At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, when WE asked you over for dinner, YOU said you were hanging out with friends, not feeling sick. Did your friends make you sick????
You missed a really good stew at our place. I hope you are better now.
(I spent the weekend sewing some goofy costumes.)

At 8:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your weekend of sickness. I remember many weekends when the only thing in the pantry was a jar of Prego and some old spaghetti. Yum. You are still invited to have some stew. I'm sure we have some left.

At 5:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trey are you alive??? I haven't been able to reach you....I may stop by your apartment with all my kids if you don't hurry up and respond or call me back...Stacey

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Hey, I forgot to post an update on You're NOT Welcome. I said it to a guy in my MBA program yesterday and he laughed at me. But it worked!


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