Monday, February 06, 2006

The Burnams!

First, take part of Project Nonconformity unless you are comfortable with a Sunday and Wednesday Christianity.

I had the privilege over the last two weeks to see Luke and Joe perform in their school plays. Both did a good job.

Joe was the Djinni (Genie) in Disney's Aladdin Jr. He was a living cartoon very animated and clearly he stole the show! They had all the music of the Disney musical. Joe was very good. What is really surprising about this show is that it is a JUNIOR HIGH production! Those kids really delivered more than I expected. Some kids had that voice changy thing going on during the songs. There was on gag where the from behind the flying carpet materialized a girlfriend for Genie! It happened so fast, I would think it was really magic. Good job Joe.

And then there was the Luke Show! He was Bobby in Crazy for you. And Crazy for You is the Bobby Show. Luke was in VBS last year and was one of the most mature members of my class (bear in mind he is a High School Sophomore!). So I knew he could act and sing. But out of nowhere a becomes the Dancing King. I mean he tapped and waltzed and maybe a foxtrot, I'm not sure. The Good News: He got to smooch two girls in the show. The Bad News: One was his cousin. Ha! I just couldn't get over how good he was. His show was burdened with overly complicated stage pieces and long set changes. But Luke rose above this easily.

But the biggest kudos I have is that both of these boys exhibited a very mature Christian attitude throughout their time in the spotlight. Both were gracious in accepting thanks and did not get a big head. Their parents are a model of church involvement and are raising a non-premodana talented family!

I might get in trouble if I don't mention that Lydia (their younger sis) is a drama queen of the highest order and will no doubt do great things too in a few years. She is in my LTC drama and I'm happy to have her.


At 6:41 PM, Blogger Danny Sims said...

I get tired reading the blog version of your schedule.

At 9:18 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

I have a clone to do the dirty work.

At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos to the Burnhams. I can't imagine how empty Saturn Road would feel without them.


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