Thursday, February 02, 2006

Project Nonconformity: You are NOT welcome.

Welcome, Initiates, to Project Nonconformity.

I am your General, General Disarray. First, the rules:

The First Rule of Project Nonconformity is you DO talk about Project Nonconformity.
The Second Rule of Project Nonconformity is you DO talk about Project Nonconformity.
The Third Rule of Project Nonconformity is reading this blog and doing nothing is considered absolute failure, extreme cowardice and spiritually questionable.
The Fourth Rule of Project Nonconformity is you will share your successes and failures with the other Initates thru Servant.
(More rules to come)

Your first assignment (and you may not choose to not accept it so get out there and get over yourself):

Codename: You are NOT welcome.
You are no longer allowed to say "You're welcome." Moreover, you are required to try and elicit people to say "Thank you" to you, giving you a chance to not say "You're welcome." Don't worry you won't snub them. Instead you will say in a positive, shameless way one of the following statements:
* "Don't mention it, it's just my Christian upbringing."
* "I can't help it, I'm a Christian."
* "It's just how the Creator made me."
* (Shrug) "What would Jesus do?"
* "I'm happy to be a Christian servant."
* "I'm just being a Christian servant."
* Or another of your choosing but it MUST contain one of these words "Jesus, Christ, Christian, God, Creator, Jehovah" or the like. Saying "It's just my upbringing" and omitting the Christian is omitting the point.

1) You get ahead of someone and hold the door open for them, hopefully they will say, "Thank you," leaving you the opportunity to rejoin them with one of the stock phrases you practiced alone in the car, "It's just my Christian upbringing."
2) You drop off a file at a coworkers desk, they don't look up but say "Thanks" you respond, "It's just how the Creator named me."

Ok, the purpose of this initial exercise is to get you over your inner feeling of shame, doubt and fear of failure. If people you work with don't know you are a Christian, maybe they really know you better than you think. Likewise, this exercise will have you witness briefly to strangers and see that they won't stone you or judge you. The worst that will happen is an eye roll, and if you've ever had children hopefully you are immune to this by now.

As required by rule 4, post your successes and failures here. I will be looking to promote some of you Initiates to Witness soon, there are 12 ranks, from Initiate to Servant. Chances are the person who tries and fails the most will be soonest promoted. Let's hear how Codename: You are not welcome is going.

If I could brag on my mother, she is already over this hurdle. She confided in me she wished she could do more to express her faith to her coworkers. But has also told me that coworkers ask her opinions about Christianity, revealing that SubBlogger has already fulfilled part of this mission. People in her office know she's a Christian! She's put herself on the line, exposed her private life and is ready to talk when God softens the heart of a coworker. It with great pride that I promote SubBlogger from Initiate to Witness.

Initiates Rank 1:
Lamb's Blog of Life List

Witness Rank 2: Acts 1:8 "You will be my servant in Jerusalem and to the ends of the earth."

Soldier Rank 5:
General Disarry (That's right, I'm not starting myself at rank 12!)


At 12:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool. I applaud you in this effort. Comfort Zone - watch out! Here comes Hey Nonconformity Man.

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

I have to be honest that this is a tough assignment. I find myself catching myself saying You Welcome a lot. But I have on real success today.

I got back $16.79 in change from the Sonic Girl and I only need $15 even because I had correct change. So I gave her back the $1.79. She was surprised and said "Hey, thanks." I was on the ball and said, "Oh, it's just my Christian upbringing." She seemed pleased.

Chalk one up for T.Lizzle!

At 3:44 PM, Blogger Web Bulimic said...

Whew...I've been working on this project all day. So far, everyone I work with now knows I'm a Christian.

At 4:29 PM, Blogger Emily said...

I'm glad that Ryan was finally able to come right out to the people he works with and tell them what he believes. We all know he's been struggling with that for a few years. :)

As for me, unfortunately with a day full of interviews and then just coming home, I ended up being the one to say "Thank you" all day even though I was waiting for a chance to "nonconform." I guess it will have to wait til tomorrow!

At 8:50 PM, Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

i have a day of meetings tomorrow, but i will strive to accomplish task number 1.

At 5:50 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Many hear the call but few answer.

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

this was a fun assignment. i did just what you said. i held the door open for a few behind me and the last one that came in said, "thanks" and i said, "it's just my christian upbringing" with a smile.

At 10:38 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Good job Jen M! Let that be a lesson to the rest of you lookie-loo's! Most of you are trying to remain silent on this post, for shame.

Hmm... I need more testimonials... this challange is active until next thursday so get it done people! Are you ashamed? Are you hiding behind being an "introvert" or a "woman" or a "new Christian?" Ask yourself "Have I lost my saltiness? "

At 8:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy to report my latest. A co-worker sent me an email thank you for a project that I did for her. She said, "I don't know what I would do without you", to which I responded, "Thanks, I'm just trying to live up to my savior's gift". Her response was "Thanks, you made me smile".

I think I'm gonna like this project. Amen.


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