Thursday, February 09, 2006

Project Nonconformity: Target Walmart

Your next assignment is Target Walmart!

Some of you cowards, wimps, and wastes of neural tissue tried to duck the last assignment by just not posting. This is a failure. In heaven you don't want to be the one saying "But Lord when did I see you at Walmart and didn't say anything to you?" Then he'll try to explain but you still won't get it. Then he'll nudge St. Peter who'll pull a big lever and a trapped door will open beneath your feet. Aaaaaaaah... Sizzle! I know I'm not the judge of your afterlife but Jesus was pretty clear that he likes this sort of stuff.

You still need to complete assignment You are NOT Welcome! Also posted there are the Rules and a little more about Project Nonconformity.

Ok Assignment: Target Walmart is a nice one because it has a lot of options. We all go to Walmart, next time you are there in the front of your mind the whole time should be, "How can I give someone a positive encounter with a Christian?" If this is on your brain opportunities will pop out to you. Here are some suggestions.

1) Buy gum for the person behind you in line. Or candy if their are children. $0.68 in Candy could change a family's life forever!
2) Offer to return the cart to for someone. (This I did this week to a woman in a handicapped space. She was please to learn young people are occasionally still polite.)
3) Get something off the high shelf for the short and/or elderly.
4) Gather up a few stray carts. This will work best if one is blocking a parking space. Wait for someone to try and part there then wave them over and move the cart out of their way. If you round up a bunch this is an act of service to the employees.
5) Offer correct change to the person in front of you.
6) Help carry or unload someone stuff. Again the elderly like this but anyone with 3 kids might appreciate the help as well.
7) Anything that is helpful and polite.

As always, the task is only half the assignment. The other half is giving the credit for this feat to God, Jesus, Christ, etc. If you just do the good deed, it is a selfish act. I don't want someone to think you are nice, I want someone to think Jesus is nice.

What I'm asking you to do is scary, simple and revolutionary. To think, the average lay-person could influence friends, family and strangers with their faith in action. I wish somebody had included this in the Bible (sarcasm on double time). Again, this task is very small!

Keep up your work on You are Not Welcome if you haven't completed it yet. I'll be waiting here to cheer you on when you succeed!

Rankings, Check below for our Two New Promotions.

Initiates Rank 1:
Lamb's Blog of Life List + Any new readers!

Witness Rank 2:
Acts 1:8 "You will be my servant in Jerusalem and to the ends of the earth."
Jaton (Jaton is on the cusp of rank 3, "Laborer")
Promotion! Jennifer M - Way to GO!
Promotion! Hey Man - Awesome job.
(If you missed their experiences see the comments on You are NOT welcome.

Soldier Rank 5: General disarray (I'm about ready for rank 6)

Only two promotions, sigh. I didn't promote Ryan because I'm not giving a free pass to ministers. (That includes you too Danny and Mike. Although, as discussed in the Lamb's Blog of Life Mike-Cope-does-not-read-my-blog. Which is rude because I read his.)

Post your successes for this and any previous assignments below. Let me know if you can do something while shopping that is not for yourself. I believe in you! You have the tools! You have the talent! Bear in mind the only failure is the failure to try. If you try and get a negative reaction that is a big time success because you got over the inhibition.


At 7:09 PM, Blogger Jennifer Schroeder said...

hey...i succeeded at task #1. please promote me.

At 9:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can only say, Thank you Jesus for the promotion. May I be worthy. Me and Little Bro are going to do some yardwork tomorrow for the Mother in Law. Great opportunity there. I'll keep you posted.

At 9:46 AM, Blogger James said...

I did task number one...but it was easy cause I work at Harding.

Do I get a half a promotion?


At 3:46 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

I need a testimonial via comment for promotion. I need a blow by blow of what happened. Not just I did task #1.

We are working on the honor system here but your example might spur on the others.

And if you work at Harding or at a Church your tasks should be done outside the office for full credit.

At 1:45 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

this task was especially exciting for me. i looked forward to it with enthusiasm. your idea of buying gum for someone behind me in line was perfect! i would be so excited if someone did it for me! AND! someone has done it for my kiddos once at a walmart because, "they were so well behaved"! i was just so pleased that someone noticed! this was it! i was going to "pass it on"!

place..... walmart on hulen
time...... 1:00 in the afternoon
target.... lady behind me with a cute little girl with many braids, buttons and bows in her hair!

scene goes like this.....

i stood in line with my heart pounding because it was going to be this cute little girl! i whispered to mclaine to pick out a two pieces of candy and she did, her favorite the push up sucker thingy with a lid. so we added it to our purchase and before we left.........
i turned around and said to the mommy, "can she have this? she was so good in line!"

the little girl handed me her shoe that she was holding, the one from her little foot, and took the candy from mclaine's hand. PERFECT! how precious is that???the mom said, "that's so nice, (to the daughter) what do you say?"
"tay too" said the cute little brown eyed girl.
before i could think or resist, i said, "you're welcome, darlin".

as we left mclaine was skipping i thought to myself what a great example of kindness for mclaine to see.
but the best part was when in the car mclaine asked why we gave ij's candy to that little girl.

At 5:19 AM, Blogger Danny Sims said...

I love Jennifer Meachem's story. Greatness.

I have yet to do the assignment this week. Does honesty count for anything?

At 9:20 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

awesome story Jen M! You were a witness to not only another family but also to your own. In the spirit of the olympics I'll give it a Silver Medal. It was an effective exercise but forgot to mention JC for the Gold. My favvy part was when she mentioned her heart beating. It is not easy is it? It's scarry but it is a thrill. That feeling after you get past the fear is addictive.

Danny - honesty only counts in horsehoes and handgernades.

At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little Bro and I got up Saturday, bundled up and went to our Cousin's apartment to help her do some shopping. Cousin is a transplanted New Orleans hurricane survivor, elderly, no car and on a fixed income. We took her to a couple of stores to find a small table she could use as a dining room table. When she thanked us for taking her I gave her my new line, "just trying to live up to my Savior's sacrifice". Now, Cousin is a very religious lady, and loves all the TV preachers she can get on her antique set. But she said "amen" to that statement. Little Bro was especially helpful and has been invited to spend some time with Cousin watching old black and white movies. She is very impressed with him, and so am I. We left Cousin and went to the Mother in Law's house. She is a widow now and needed some yard work done. We mowed up the leaves in the yard and spread corn gluten meal on the yard (she is a huge organic yard proponent). We were rewarded with lunch at Mickey D's, and a warm smile and hug from Granny. all in all a good weekend.

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Jenn said...



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