Wednesday, February 08, 2006

A Story from Trey's Desk

I have no ideas to write about, so I'm going to make up a story about the stuff I see on my desk. Stuff from my desk is bold.

Once upon a time there was a Red M&M Man, called Red. He fell in love with the beautiful My Little Pony, named uhm... Pony. But their love was not to be, for her Evil Step Father Darth Tater wouldn't let it happen. Pony was heard to say, "Your not my father!" But Tater said, you will marry who I want you to marry and I choose That Big Inflatable Moose Head.

The two lovebirds knew their love was true because they consulted the love tester and the wise Bobble-Head Jesus. He told them their love could be consummated only after they acquire the Lengthy Loan Paperwork. This was depressing as the Loan Papers were guarded by the crafty Batman Pez dispenser. Although he was easily defeated by pulling his back and eating his sweet sweet neck candy.

Red, Pony and the Loan Papers made their way back through Daniel's Lion Den and past Noah's Ark and were married in the sight of the Galileo Thermometer beside Old Army Helmet Mountain.

The entire wedding party was there including their Minister The Cookie Monster, Junior Asparagus the ring bearer and A Light Bulb with Legs (but he wasn't invited he just crashed the wedding). Unfortunately all of them were crushed by 2 Foot Tall 'The Thing' who was angry because he didn't catch the garter.

And they all died happily ever after.

Well, that was a waste of time.


At 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a crowded desk.

At 2:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of which, how is the house hunting going? That lengthy Loan Paper thing is fun, provided you take the "right" medication before you start.

At 3:58 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

It is 90% done. I finally figured out if you don't read it and just sign it goes much faster.

At 4:03 PM, Blogger James said...

It is 90% done. I finally figured out if you don't read it and just sign it goes much faster.

Pretty soon the calls for Sharonda will becoem calls for Frank Ervin/Erwin.

In a sense, you are becoming Sharonda.

At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I've figured it out !
the pressue has been on ever since the Project, oh how can I move up the ranks????

then, reading this story it hit me....I can become your clutter coach !! "it's my christian thing to do"

so, when you come in the office one day to a clean desk...don't thank me, I'll be forced to think of something to say....just smile and know you've given me a chance to SHINE for HIM !!

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A waist is a terrible thing to mind. Anon.

At 12:42 PM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

My Dust Bunnies or hopping mad that I have been wishing they were gone from my desk. Also, I'm naming the pile of filing I have backlogged "Edna". (Edna - the rain forest killer.)


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