Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Weekend Update

Ok so there has been a lot of blowback on the cartoon post. If you read the comments I replied in a caustic manner to "Cajun Cowgirl" who I didn't know I knew. Turns out she's one of my good friends here at SR. She was annoyed with my rude response but I told her if I'd have known it was here I wouldn't have held back. Being my friend runs the risk of a verbal assault. (Just as Lindsey Holder)

Ok second,

Here is some original content for this post:

I came across these two song lyrics on the radio yesterday.

1. "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." (Bob Seger, Against the Wind)
2. "I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger." (The Faces - Ooh la la)

Ok so there are these two different sentiments about the past. I know I'm still young (25 years old, 362 days, I'm not sure about the hours. I was born at a very early age and don't remember my time of birth), but I sometimes feel both of these ideas as "young" as I am.

But of course age is relative. During VBS at diner the Kelly and Barnes kids had a small argument about whether or not I'm a kid. The end result of that tete-a-tete was that if I am an adult I'm not like their parents. (True enough.)

So do you feel like you wish you were as innocent of though now as you were as a child. And not have to worry about taxes, relationship, liver disease, lung cancer, dangerous carneys, and thermonuclear war.


Do you wish you could have some of the wisdom of your current age back when you were younger.

So I leave it to you, which do you prefer:
1. "I wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then." (Bob Seger, Against the Wind)
2. "I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger." (The Faces - Ooh la la)


At 1:52 PM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

I have always wished that someone would have given me a "heads up" about child hood stuff. Like everybody is just as scared as you when you start school. Everybody is pretty much consumed with 'how do I look', sort of, internally motivated. It takes a lot of maturing to care about other's needs and your spiritual self. I think an older sibling would have been a lot of help to show me the ropes or possibly younger parents who communicated a lot more. I wish I knew then what I know now.

Trey- you were born a little after 7:00 pm to very proud parents of a very bouncing baby boy.

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Web Bulimic said...

I must have read this post 4 times, but I couldn't ever decide between the two choices. And you are right, nobody reads on the weekends anyway.

At 2:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I wish is that someone could have convinced me that the innocence of childhood was in many ways the best time of life and to hold on to it as long as possible. Jesus had an appreciation of this ("unless you become as a little child..."); I wish we would teach it that way in our children's classes.
None of this really answers your question.


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