Thursday, July 31, 2008


I keep buying journals. I probably have 20 journals I've never written a word in. It seems too permanent to add ink to paper. I'm afraid of making a mistake.

I know you're thinking, "Trey, your blog is full of mistakes and typos."

Yes, but I can go back and edit them. I don't. But I could.

So I've started writing in some of the journals. Here's the problem. Who's gunna read 'em?

I mean do I show people what I wrote? Do I keep it a secret? What if there is something I want people to read in a journal right next to something I don't want them to read?

In the end I decided to keep various kinds of journals. Some I consider open. Go ahead and flip thru them. Others are secret... I generally don't write anything in them.

In the end this blog is my journal. I think thru my problems and vent and spaz out.

I'm afraid I will continue to buy journals and not write in them. But those blank pages and clever bindings just pull me in. They have a gravity well that I can't escape.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Words that start with Q



Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I had the standard Final Exam Nightmare last night. It was a calculus exam that I didn't know I had signed up for. I arrived late and hadn't read the book. But I figured... I can do this, I know math. So I sit down to take the exam. But the questions are stuff like.

1) (Picture of a mouth) - 2q = X hello!
2) (Upside down umbrella) = 3$
3) Five + 2 = L

So now I'm panicking again and begin to bubble in things at random. Then my cell phone keeps ringing over and over. It is people who want me to share my happiness with them. And I keep telling them I'm taking a test and can't talk right now.

The proctor gets really annoyed because he thinks I'm cheating. But I can't turn my phone on silent and people keep texting me pictures or odd things.

Then I turn in the exam and wake up.


Monday, July 21, 2008

Long Time No Post: Since VBS

Ok, so I haven't posted since VBS. But one of those weeks I was gone to camp and the other two I was... busy. I'm tempted to share my happiness with you but I'd rather do it in person. Instead I'll share my Vexation. I had jury duty last week.

First you have to take the Dart which is a little adventure. Then you have to watch a video where they repeatedly call you a "Jur-OR." Then you sit around. Then they tell you to take a break.

They have a cafeteria downstairs where they'll serve you two eggs, three bacon, toast and hash browns for $3.50. That cafeteria is locked in time!

I met a man named James as I exited the Dart. He too had jury duty. It was a mistake to talk to him because he'll talk your ear off. And chuckle at himself. I decided to play Zelda on my Gameboy. Excellent game!

Then they told us to go to lunch. Then they told us we were dismissed.

Then Sara and I went to the Dallas Museum of Art because I figured Uncle Sam had given me half a day off downtown. It was good. My favorite painting was Gerald Murphy's "The Watch."

It's actually bigger than this. Like 8' x 8'. And it wasn't fuzzy in person.


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