Thursday, July 31, 2008


I keep buying journals. I probably have 20 journals I've never written a word in. It seems too permanent to add ink to paper. I'm afraid of making a mistake.

I know you're thinking, "Trey, your blog is full of mistakes and typos."

Yes, but I can go back and edit them. I don't. But I could.

So I've started writing in some of the journals. Here's the problem. Who's gunna read 'em?

I mean do I show people what I wrote? Do I keep it a secret? What if there is something I want people to read in a journal right next to something I don't want them to read?

In the end I decided to keep various kinds of journals. Some I consider open. Go ahead and flip thru them. Others are secret... I generally don't write anything in them.

In the end this blog is my journal. I think thru my problems and vent and spaz out.

I'm afraid I will continue to buy journals and not write in them. But those blank pages and clever bindings just pull me in. They have a gravity well that I can't escape.



At 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ran across a Daily Journal I kept when I was in the Marines. I decided to keep one during our deployment to the Mediterranean that ultimately ended up in our being stationed in Beirut. I was amazed at the power of reading my words and instantly being right back where I was when I wrote them. Routine stuff, what we ate, the movie we saw on the ship's TV that day, etc. Probably boring to anyone else, but it is a treasure to me. I also kept a journal while I was in therapy. Notes to myself, homework, tidbits of knowledge, book recommendations, etc. A couple of years ago my briefcase was stolen which was where I had kept my journal. That is the only thing that I truly missed and still feel bitter about it being lost. The power of words is amazing.

At 6:22 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I wsually keep them for a few years, then realize that I've never written in them. Then I fill the first three to ten pages with random thoughts, quotations, and shopping lists and let them sit for a few more years until I have a desperate need for scratch paper, at which point all of them disappear, so I feel like I can buy another two (or eight).

At 8:47 PM, Blogger Ashley N said...

I'm the same way...I like the look of so many journals but then never do anything with them. I wish I could keep up with journaling so that I would have an excuse to buy pretty journals.

At 7:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only problem with e-journaling, if you will, is that you don't get to smell the leather bindings and paper. That's kind of a bummer...

So, I have been away from civilization for a month... what was the thing you wanted to share (mentioned in previous postings) but didn't???

Oh... and go look at all my pictures from training on myspace... I got to zip wire, rock climb, and rappel in training. It was awesome.

Much love,
Brianne (I can't remember my password to sign in... duh...)

At 9:21 PM, Blogger karen b said...

Andrew's looking forward to seeing you at RoadMap next weekend...


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