Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Going Back to Abilene!

I have a lot of fond memories of Abilene (many at Buffalo Wild Wings) and now I'm headed back.
I've been asked to speak at the Bible Teachers Workshop, my topic:

Postmodern Children's Ministry
If you aren't reading this while downloading music to your iPod, reading email, talking on your cell phone and drinking a red bull you are under-stimulated.

The good news is they are both on Saturday (I thought I had one each morning Friday and Saturday) so I won't have to leave until Friday to get there.

Any of my friends still live there? I don't know, I haven't kept in touch. So other than Kelly I might be spending my time there in solitude if she can't drag herself away from her cats for an evening.

My agenda:

4pm: Arrive
4:30 Check in
5:00 Move in
5:30 Call anyone who might still be in town.
6:00 Dinner
8:00 Run through material for next day
8:05 Panic Attack
9:00 Wonder if it's too soon to go to bed
9:45 Get last wind and add 40 more slides to my presentation.
11pm - Sleep

7 - Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey
7:30 Arrive in Classroom and figure out if my projector is going to work.
8:15 Class 1 Starts
9:15: Class 1 Ends, I find a private place to cry
9:30 Class 2 Starts, I pretend I haven't been crying
10:30 Class 2 Ends, I feel one pounds lighter, it's over
11:00 Go to Harold's BBQ
11:30 Feel 100 Pounds Heavier.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Bitterness and the Return of Tower of Babel Poetry

I have to pay $350 bucks to repair my driver side rearview mirror! Apparently the 98 Chevy Blazer has the worlds most expensive rear view mirror. It has been broken for a month but I've been too busy and broke to repair it. Therefore it has been held up by duct tape (classy). Anyway the mirror is a power mirror which I knew about but they told me it was more because it is also a heated defroster mirror! WHAT?! I didn't know that? I've never needed it, and certainly don't in the 100 degree heat! It's just my luck that the only bonus features on my truck I never get to use.

To get over my bad feelings about having to repair the mirror out of own pocket I have crafted a tower of Babel poem! If you've forgotten what that is check this old post.

Babel Version of
"How my back opinion mirror stole the reflection of my life of love."
My mirror cost too much money!
Now I cannot take my honey,
we must Dutch go,
but I am well in the link,
I hope it sufficient am that I am humoristic.

Dutch Version of
"Hoe mijn riew mening Spiegel de weerspiegeling van mijn Leven van de Liefde stal"
Mijn spiegel kostte teveel geld!
Nu niet kan ik mijn honing nemen,
zullen wij moeten Nederlands gaan,
maar ik ben goed in de koppeling,
Ik hoop het voldoende is dat ik humoristisch ben.

Original English Version of
"How my rear view Mirror stole the reflection of my Love Life"
My mirror costs too much money!
Now I can't take out my honey,
We'll have to go Dutch,
But I'm good in the clutch,
I hope it's enough that I'm funny.

That's right! I've invented the tower of Babel Limerick!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Home Again Home Again Jiggidy Jog

My dad would always say that little rhyme when we got home from any extended about of time be it vacation or a day at the grandparents. And I said it to myself when I returned. There is a lot to talk about but I'll just give you the cliff notes.

  • Sabine Creek - Awesome... rainy... muddy... still awesome
  • Car turned over 100,000 miles! Its a digital odometer so its not as fun as watching the old mechanical dial turn over but still rewarding. My mirror is still broken, I was snapped off my car the week before VBS but I've been too busy and poor to get it fixed. It's held up with red duct tape. That's pride of ownership baby!
  • Goddard - Aweseome... finally has AC!
  • My AC at my house is not holding up. I had it turned up while I left but it can NOT CATCH UP! I'm burning up. It has never been great but now with a bunch of triple digit days in a row my house doesn't get below 75 at night. It is unjust when camp is cooler than your house.

There are the cliff notes when I spend more time on the trivial than the important but beggers can't be choosers. Besides most of my readers have probably abandoned me anyhow after my two week sebatical. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about the last two weeks you leave in a post. I'm not going to spell check this so good luck!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Out of Office

I turned 27 on Wednesday, if you forgot you'll have to wish me a Happy B-Day in two weeks.

I'm off to Sabine Creek this week, then Goddard the next!

It should be hot and lots of fun!


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