Sunday, July 16, 2006

Home Again Home Again Jiggidy Jog

My dad would always say that little rhyme when we got home from any extended about of time be it vacation or a day at the grandparents. And I said it to myself when I returned. There is a lot to talk about but I'll just give you the cliff notes.

  • Sabine Creek - Awesome... rainy... muddy... still awesome
  • Car turned over 100,000 miles! Its a digital odometer so its not as fun as watching the old mechanical dial turn over but still rewarding. My mirror is still broken, I was snapped off my car the week before VBS but I've been too busy and poor to get it fixed. It's held up with red duct tape. That's pride of ownership baby!
  • Goddard - Aweseome... finally has AC!
  • My AC at my house is not holding up. I had it turned up while I left but it can NOT CATCH UP! I'm burning up. It has never been great but now with a bunch of triple digit days in a row my house doesn't get below 75 at night. It is unjust when camp is cooler than your house.

There are the cliff notes when I spend more time on the trivial than the important but beggers can't be choosers. Besides most of my readers have probably abandoned me anyhow after my two week sebatical. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about the last two weeks you leave in a post. I'm not going to spell check this so good luck!


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

I'm glad you had fun. Hey we're thinking about doing Lady in the Water on Friday night if you want to come join.

At 3:46 PM, Blogger James said...

Dude. I'm in town.

We must hook up.

At 4:27 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

1. Glad you're back.

2. Sorry I missed your Birthday (though I thought you were going to keep it in September, instead of in its original month)

3. What make/model of car do you have now? I bet I can tell you where to get one cheap there in town.

4. Ouch, bad AC is awful. There isn't ice on the cooling fins (like at UP)? It sounds like the AC just isn't up to the job. Have you tried closing vents in room that don't get used as much? Sorry, my fix-it instinct is way to strong.

At 5:40 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Linds - I'd love to catch a flick

Worm - YOU KNOW IT! Come over to the fashionable side of the metroplex anytime!

TY - 1. Me too. 2. They posted my actual birthday in the church bullitin, no way to hide. 3. 98 Chevy Blazer 4. It's just old.

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am very glad that you are back safely and that you had a lot of fun. But what's with not answering your phone all weekend? It's Monday tomorrow....Prisoner time! Call, dude!!

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tuesday - Wings?!? You betcha.
Welcome home Trey. We missed you.

At 1:27 PM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

Jody Dean! mentioned Saturn Road and being the Voice of God at V!B!S! on KLUV this morning. He was pleased about getting a DVD and T-Shirt !! His buddies teased him about getting to 'be God'.

Sorry about you AC boy. Come home, it's cool & (we got another kitty, Travis had kittens).

At 3:10 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

I heard about Jody Dean talking about or VBS! I wish he'd've done it the week BEFORE vbs.

More cats! You people really don't want me coming home.

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you had a great time at camp and sorry about your air conditioner!
Hav a gr8 week!

At 12:17 AM, Blogger Lindsey said... did you ever get myspace?


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