Thursday, February 23, 2006

A Milestone: 144 Posts

I barely had a chance to notice. I think 144 or one gross (a dozen dozen) is good number to recognize. It seems to western to comemorate the 25th, 50th or 100th post. Why not honor 144 successful posts.

Some of you have missed many if not most of my posts. Of course they are there to prowse but lets look back.

Some of the Best of the First 144 of the Worst of the Blogs of the Blogs I read

Let take a look back to the very beginning shall we: My First Blog Wow, those were simpler times! When just the discussion of smurfs could fullfill your blogging needs. I wish we could all go back there and sit on the front porch and sip lemonade made from real lemons, but we can't so get off your pity-pony and live it today!

Next we have a notable post that would set the tone for latter goodness: You too can know it all: Men and Women. The real shame here is nobody read it, it only got three posts and one is from my sister who prolly didn't read it. I think the wisdom of this blog might be one day carved into the walls of a great monument.

Next we look at the "historic" Batman vs. Superman final post. To be honest there were like 4 posts and poll on this subject. I've skipped to the end so you can see my opinion ignore those rubes who votes for Superman.

Hmm... and to remind you that things need not make sense here in Imagininajion. Mmm... good times. I think everyone should take a 2 minute break each day to imagine how they would fight off a ninja or terrorist attack if suddenly cropped up in your office.

And finally I've written three posts about the deceased in the last 144. Here is the most upbeat of the three: Big Dad Stories. (The other deceased are Granny Ruth and Coach Collins.)

Honorable mention 1: All those posts where I bought junk online then bragged about it. Long live the Bow and Arrow, Nunchucks and books I still haven't finished.

As a endnote: Let me say I hate it when TV shows just wimp out and make a "clip show." It's a sign that things have peaked and creativitity is on the decline.

I think the next time I'll do a recap it will be for a prime number... lets say we meet back here for post #311! It's prime and it makes me want to sing "Change a lot of names..."


At 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the "clip" blog. I haven't read all your posts.


At 11:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is disturbing. I only made comments on one of your posted blogs. I thought I commented on all of them. Must have been ninjas or kryptonite, I'm not sure.

Clip Shows, huh? I am amused at these on occasion. It is sort of fun to see the progression of the characters through time. The person we see today on the show is so different than the person in the first season. It is rare that the actor gets it right the first time. Radar O'Reily is a good example. He was not always so innocent the first couple of years. Then all of a sudden, he is this baby lamb. Or maybe it was the influence of Colonel Potter over the incompetence of Lt. Colonel Blake? Or maybe he was just hitting the "pharmaceuticals" a little bit? I think Congress should investigate!

Oh, sorry. Got carried away there. I also liked the Word Verification blog. There were some funny posts there.


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