Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Eye of the Storm

Ok so Monday I felt chipper enough to post, I thought I was better. Turns out it was the eye of the storm. I had as much coughing and sneezing ahead of me that was behind me. Has anyone else experiences an "Eye of the Storm" moment, where you think you are well but it is just an illusion, a mirage?

Well, I am feeling better for real now. (Although my abs hurt from coughing and sneezing so much.) At the office they discussed brining me soup or dropping off something to eat. I'm glad they didn't. When I'm sick I like to suffer in silence. Haveing someone nearby just seems to make me regret my symptoms twice. No it's better I'm left alone. As I can become verbally abusive when ill... or hungry... or sleepy... well, lets just say I can be verbally abusive at the drop of a hat.

But some people are the exact opposite and I'm sure I'll have to marry one of them one day. I'd hazard a guess that Maggie is the needy-type of sickie and Ryan is the leave-me-be-type. Of course, Ryan is famous for having said: "Marriage is sleeping in a room that's too hot, next to someone who's sleeping in a room that's too cold."


At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a baby me sick person. Mrs. Hey Man is leave me alone sick person. It took us some time to figure each other out the first few years of marriage. I can look back now and smile.

At 12:58 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Okay you got it totally wrong! I am the best sick person in the world. I never complain, I never whine, when I am sick- I just deal.
Ry is very needy when he is sick- it is like we turn into each other. I want to be left alone and he needs all the help.
When you are sick you should just take off your glasses and then you will be snoring in no time (I speak from experience here) :) I miss you!

At 3:30 PM, Blogger Emily said...

In undergrad, I could always tell when Nichole was REALLY sick because she didn't complain about it. When she wasn't all that sick, but just a little bit, she would act like she was on her deathbed and the world as about to end. But yet, when she was actually really really sick, she would just get in bed and be sick. Kinda amusing. :)

At 4:08 PM, Blogger Web Bulimic said...

Maggie is full of it. You nailed it Trey. When I am sick all I want to do is sleep. Maggie just FEELS like she has to take care of me.

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

could you pleases post pictures with your blog it makes them much more exciting.

At 1:29 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

pictures are for the weak


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