Thursday, June 19, 2008

VBS Elijah Night 4

What a great night!

Now we finally know who let the dogs out. (It was God and he did it to kill Jezebel.)
And the Chariot went up without a hitch!

We broke down the set in record time. We were at IHOP @ 11pm! Wow!

Great job cast and crew! I've gotten a lot of great feedback and what to send that love on to you. You guys really make the show great!

Well, better clean up and do it all again next year.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

VBS Elijah Night 3

It was GREAT!

Baal vs. God!
Elijah rocks the HSM2!
They loved Cody's falsetto!

Must paint!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

VBS Elijah Night 2

Elijah Night 2: A VBS First.

Drama, Actually Drama. After the PoBs loosened everyone up we got into the story of the Widow and her Son. The boy got sick and died. He sang, she sang, Elijah sang and he lived!

And over those 15 minutes the kids got worried, got sad and some of them cried. People may question making kids cry in VBS but I think its an appropriate emotional reaction to the story.

They were attached to the boy enough so that when he got sick and died they felt it. Joe, Laura and Hutt sang beautifully. There were a plethora of little sniffles and sobs when the boy died. And a cheer when he came back to life.

As per usual Ahab and Jezy were funny. But the most memorable gag of the night might have been when the well started to fall onstage towards Laura and Hutt stopped it then held up a hand to to audience as if to say, "It's ok. I got this."


Monday, June 16, 2008

VBS Elijah Night 1

Night 1 of Elijah was a smash! We're off to a great start.

Night one has a lot of scene changes and the cast did them really quickly.

If you missed out you missed:

Evil Queen doing the Vogue Dance
A King who's not allowed to Sing
Some well dressed prophets of Baal! SHAZAM!
And an Unkindness of Ravens.

Yep, a group of Ravens is actually called an Unkindness of Ravens.

To bulk up this article I'll list a few more group of Animals names.

A Crash of Rhinos
A Congregation of Crocodiles
A Murder of Crows
A Congregation of Owls
and finally
A Flock of Seagulls... and I raaaaan, I ran so far away!


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Recent History

1) New Phone! - T-Mobile Wing

Other than the fact that I'm still not very good at using it yet, I like it. Unfortunately, I lost many of my old numbers but I can't really say for certain who's who. So if you want me to call you again text me your name and number ASAC*.

2) Saw the Fantasticks at Casa Manana!

We performed this musical in high school. My part (Henry the lovable old eccentric semi-retired actor) was played by Tom JONES! (Not 'whats-new-pussycat' tom jones, no the Author and Director of the Fantasticks Tom JONES!) He wrote it when he was young and now he's ancient enough to play the part.

Interesting side note: Lorenzo Lamas played El Gallo!

Jonathan played El Gallo in High School and should have played him in this production as well. Unfortunately Lorenzo only sang in one note and talked funny. He wasn't completely horrible but he's not an actor. But how can I not support TV's Renegade!? Sure he can't act or sing, but when I was in middle school he was there for me, riding a harley and kicking people with his cowboy boots! What a guy!

* ASAC = As soon as convenient.

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Workaholic or Playboy?

I picked up this little tract at Ryan's church. Until VBS is over I'm feeling a workaholic. But I will try and squeeze in a little Playboy in before its over.

Here are the bold text titles of the little sections of the tract:
* It's a Playboy world
* Day's work for day's pay
* Why work?
* The need for balance.
* Final thought
* Prayer

The chapter I'm currently interested in is "The need for Balance" unfortunately my balance doesn't allow flying to New York (as badly as I want to) but can include a Musical besides Elijah.

I love my interns enthusiasm, but I can't add 12 new events to an already crowded summer. Last summer we did at least one or two events a week on top of our normally busy church schedule.

What suffered?
  • My health - At the end of the summer I crashed hard
  • Their attendance - Gas prices and over scheduling led to people thinking, 'I can skip this one or that one.'
  • My Social Life - Dead.
  • Their Parents Patience - Eye rolling abounds
  • The End of Summer Video - Although crowded with events we were too busy to document each event very well as one was ending the next was already running late.

THIS SUMMER: "Less is More."

We've consolidated some events. Instead of shotgun blasts of events I want each event to have a purpose and each event to have an impact. Now I just need some way to break my interns spirit.

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