Thursday, February 28, 2008

If its a girl, I'll name it Moonbeam!

Three weeks ago I did something I've never done before: I went to the doctor while healthy. I wanted his advice on weight loss and figured one check up a decade couldn't hurt.

They took some blood, "as a precaution" and tested for diabetes, thyroid and "a few other things."

A few days go buy during which time I don't know I should be panicking.

One of those other things was my liver, which gave them abnormal readings. So they had me come back and take 4 more vials of blood! (From a flubotomist who's hands are like ice.)

This time I do know to panic and do so with great flair for a few days.

Which leads us to today. The results are in and "you should probably get an ultrasound"!

WHAT? I'm pregnant? That might explain the weight gain and crabbyness but there are some unanswered questions! (Like who's the momma?! and Will I have to drop out of beautician school?)

Well, I'm trying to stay positive with my potentially life threatening liver condition that somehow requires an ultrasound. As you can see when the doctors don't give me enough information I just fill in the gaps myself.

If its a boy it'll be Trey T. S. Laminack the IInd. And if its a girl...

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Fixer upper

I think I'd make a good fixer upper. A starter husband. That way in 10 years, she can flip me for a profit and I'll have a new marble countertop. But with the housing market the way it is people are a little skeptical.

What work really needs to be done?

Maybe I should get repainted, but I think I'm allergic to spray on tan.

I really should clean out the attic, lots of trash there.

Also, the furnace seems to smoke more than it should and the AC can't keep up in the summer.

Perhaps I should take out the carpet and go down to the hardwood, do straight men shave their chest?

New windows would be good, but can I afford Lasik?

Also, I'm sure my foundation is cracked. So you can sink a few thousand dollars into me but sooner or later it will all disappear into a hole in the ground.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day: How 'bout dem apples

Here is a pic of what I got the Children's Ministry ladies in my office.

The Card Reads:
One dozen roses
(Apples are a member of the rose family)

Monday, February 11, 2008

Let's keep in touch (Pt. 2)

While in Abilene last week I ran into an old friend (but I don't mean old, she's young, old is just an expression). I hadn't seen here since I graduated from ACU in 2004. Anyway, she said she had taken stock of her life and had thought of me. (I was somewhat stunned because I don't usually make the highlight reals of attractive girls lives.)

What she remembered is when we parted ways she had said something like, "Let's keep in touch."

And i had said something like, "I'd love to, your awesome and everything but I don't see it happening." Wait, don't overreact, it wasn't that mean. I've said this before to many people. Here is a paraphrase of my typical response.

You're awesome, I'd love to hang out and be BFFs but lets face it... I'm moving aways/your moving away and I'm not that good at keeping up communication at long distances. You are of course welcome to take up the cross of being my friend and put in the effort, for which I will be eternally grateful, but for me out of sight = out of mind. I just want to be honest, which I think is better than promising to stay in touch, then not doing so, which leads to hurt feelings. I would never intentionally shun you. BUT Should our paths ever cross again, I'll hang with you any night of the week. Rock on.

So, she took stock of her life, remembered my honesty and was able to appreciate it 4 years down the road, even if she didn't initially. Of course our paths did cross again and she is now one of my limited facebook friends.

Of course, with the creation of facebook (and this blog residual) levels of contact. "Let's keep in touch" got a lot easier. Now I can just say, "You're free to read my blog."

Well, that's me and I don't see myself changing.

Read: Let's Stay in Touch Part 1 Here. - Ok, I just read Pt. 1 from 2005 and sure enough her name was on the list of people I regretted falling out of contact with. Maybe facebook will save us all.

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