Monday, March 19, 2007


For the last week I've kept a pad and pen by the bed and wrote down my dreams. Here are a sample:
I dreamt of being at ACU, only I was pre-med. I couldn't make it to class on time. And when I go there the class had moved to a new room. Annoying.

After church Wednesday I dreamt that I was the Line Rider from that Internet came. I was moving really fast but I had to keep drawing line in front of myself faster and faster or I'd fall.

I dreamt Katherine Heigl from Grey's Anatomy and I fell in love after we competed in a mixed doubles obstacle course. She kissed me right on the lips when we won.

I dreamt I won some kind of major award and had to fly to South America. This dream became lucid and I walked to the front and took over the plane and started doing loops then landed in Paris and jumped to the top of the Eiffel tower.

I had a dream last night that a great bird perched at the end of my bed. It was like a 3 foot tall raven but in the dream I wasn't afraid of it. It stretched out its wings to me, welcomeingly. I woke up smiling. I went back to sleep and it became lucid. I as in control. I took off and followed the bird.

I've been experimenting with taking more control of my dreamscape. I set my alarm one hour before I need to get up. Then set it back and hour and go to sleep with the intent of hit REM and taking control. Try it with a pen by the bed.

I didn't know that most people didn't know they were dreaming when they were dreaming until I went to college. I assumed lots of people did this.

I'm not one for much intense or specific dream interpretation but I'll let you armchair psychologists tell me what they mean, and I want something besides flying signifies freedom, I already know I'm free as a bird.

Or you could post one of your recent dreams.



At 3:20 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Last night I dreamed that we were doing VBS in the backyard of your parents house only your parent's house had a balcony and that was the stage. There were hundreds of people there but right before we started we could see a tornado coming so everyone left (I dream about tornadoes a lot!). Kristen Olson and I went to get her car and go to her house for the tornado (random?) and ended up back at your house where Katie, Stephen, Maggie, Ryan, you and Lindsey were. Lindsey was all dressed up in random dance/spring sing costumes and brought snacks for the "Tornado Party." Leave it to Lindsey to turn imminent death into a dance party.

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

HAHAHA! Emily, that's hilarious. Sadly, that does sound like something I would do. I think people at RHCC are now scared of me. I hear many comments, "I just don't know what you're going to do next. You always have something up your sleeve. Your mind is always planning." Oh well, as long as I entertain myself, I don't give a rip. This dream reminds me of that one amazing tornado night at Katie and Stephen's house...

At 9:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your pre-med dream sounds like two recurring ones I have...either I suddenly remember during finals week that I signed up for a Tues/Thurs class and forgot to go all semester and now I have to take the final, OR I am attempting to get to a class across campus, and I find myself going the opposite direction (a la 'Through the Looking Glass') or people keep stopping me to talk and I just can't get to the class. I wake up feeling very disoriented and frustrated.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Lindsey, I think I remember that tornado at Katie's... did we go downstairs and get into their neighbor's smokey apartment?

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Emily said...

I totally forgot about the tornado night at katie and Stephens!! Maybe thats where the tornado party dream combined with VBS were coming from....we went up to church to the basement on the real night!

At 10:27 PM, Blogger stacey4 said...

Crazy...yesterday I read your blog. And think I NEVER remember my dreams. Then last night I have the most vivid dream and wake up totally shook up. Crazy! Tonight, I'm praying I go back to not remembering anything!

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, Grasshopper: dreams are a vivid window into the unconscious mind. I think the value in the dream is dealing with how they make you feel. Watch out for water and spiders.


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