Monday, February 05, 2007

Superbowl Ramblings

Super Bowl XLI. Somewhere in the third quarter Jeff asked me if Romans did long devision using Roman numerals. We both just sat quietly for a moment trying to imagine it. I figured they started using the abacus because of this.

How many beer commercials do you need? It seems like some products need no advertisement. Do you think people will stop drinking beer all of the sudden? It has been pretty steady human consumption since before agrarian civilization started. In fact, the History Channel said people stopped being nomadic to cultivate barley. But not for bread, for beer. But I'm sure if we skip one Superbowl commercial section everyone will dry up long enough to start drinking wine.

Jeff had a devo during halftime. The kids cried out that they wanted to see Prince perform. I asked them to name one Prince song. They all sat down and had their devo.

Guitar Hero II is the best game ever.

After the game conversation turned to corporal punishment. I think we should send home spanking wavers to the parents of the teens and let Joey go hog wild on them.

I think the best superbowl snake is nachos with little sausages in them with a cookie chaser... wash down with Orangette.

I don't have anything to say about the game I guess.

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At 12:29 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

I made those little ham and swiss sandwiches wrapped in foil that you love.

At 3:15 PM, Blogger The Root said...

They couldn't name one Prince song?!?
Purple Rain? Kiss? When Doves Cry? Raspberry Beret?

At 7:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my day the tobacco companies dominated the airwaves. I feel the same way about the beer comercials; but my biggest frustration with them is that they are so effective. I know they pay through the you-know-what to produce them but I'm betting they get their moneys worth out of every ad.

I always thought that since there was no Zero in Roman numerals they could not do many math functions and relied upon the hated Arabs (Moors) for unlocking mathematics as we know it today. Leave it to you and Jeffro to think of Roman numeral division. Ha!

It was funny but when I heard that Prince was performing I cried too. Not for the same reason as the teenagers. I'd vote for the Grambling Tiger marching band every year but I'm aging myself again. And I'd love to hear Tommy Loy play the national anthem one more time. I wonder if anyone remembers him from the old Cowboy games.

My favorite SNAKE? I guess it would be one that didn't feel the need to bite me.

Good post!

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I am for the spanking thing. Of course, some of them are bigger than Joey.....might get a little interesting.

At 11:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Kids are stupid.

2. Beer and the Rise of Western Civilization. I smell Pulitizer. Please mention me in the acknowlegements.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...


Maggie - Mmmmm.... foil wrapped goodness

Root - I know!

Heyman - I had to control F to find where I mentioned a snake. RDRR.

Mrs Heyman - Joey can handle them. I don't know if you know this but Joey used to be in the Navy.

Brooks - Every time I sit down to write it I get distracted by "research."


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