Thursday, June 16, 2005

VBS Night Four - The Rise and Fall of Trey

Three Nights had gone completely awesome. I was worried about night 4 because I had to rely on a loose cannon for one of the parts... me. I was late learning my lines, couldn't learn my own choreography and of course there was the incident.

Let me set the stage, "Big Shaky" is a 7 foot tall platform on a three foot tall platform build in our auditorium. It was built by Neil Plunkett who refused to get on top of it. (Hint hint we did call it Big Shaky.)

I had been walking up the stairs holding my moo-moo when I felt my mic slip so I grabbed it. I tripped on the top step on my robe and the audience gasped. My friends reached out and grabbed me as I righted myself. But then we were all so ticked we couldn't stop laughing. As I tripped I said, "OH!" But I managed to work it into "OH!... King Live Forever." At this point I have no idea what my lines are. So I say, "Oh King aren't we very high off the ground." The audience laughed - they were happy to see I was ok and back in good spirits. I remembered my next line, Cecil stopped laughing, and we moved on. Thank God.

The Lions were FABULOUS I could watch the audience and the kindergarteners were in stunned silence (which is rare for a group of 60 kids).

My fellow CPAs handled my flub well and kept on rolling. King Darius was on last night as well, he did a great job... "Oh me, My. No, I mean, Oh my, me." Very funny.

Of course Daniel delivered. Will (our Daniel) has been solid throughout the entire show. Way to go Will.

I will be thanking everyone personally but let me say well done and thank you to all of you for like the thousandth time.

Then we had STRIKE! Since so many of us stayed we made it to IHOP by Midnight... mmm pancakes. We had a great time. We were so loud they stopped seating people near us. (Good job.) If you missed it, stay for strike next time, but here is a brief recap from my end of the table... the other end was far away and I missed some of it.

More Arrive and Sit
We order drinks.
More arrive and sit in others laps.
I propose a toast to Daniel/Will Moses! (Rapping on side of glass with a spoon loudly.)
We get drinks and finish them
We wonder where the waitress is.
We order.
I propose a toast to King Neb (again the annoying spoon thing.)
Jeff gets up and leaves his phone.
We take pictures of us making faces with Jeff's phone.
We chat very loudly and annoying begin to talk about next years VBS.
We take a picture of me licking Jeff's fork and returning it to the napkin ring.
Others rap on glasses and offer toasts to all manner of people!
The pancakes arrive.
We pray for our pancakes. (The only moment of silence during the meal, the waiters and other patrons all stare at our sudden silence.)
We eat noisily.
We laugh a lot.
We begin to check watches and make vague threats about skipping work.
We pay our tab, tip well for our annoyance and leave.

A good time was had by all. I think that's what its all about. We glorified God, taught the Bible and had a GREAT TIME doing it. That's camaraderie people. Camaraderie. If you missed it you can come to the cast party. If you weren't part of the cast you can be part of it next year.

Thanks again for the hard work and friendship,


At 6:23 PM, Blogger Joanie said...


Just like all your other proud Altamesa friends and family, I have to add my congrats on what sounded like a great VBS. I'm anxious to see your folks and hear their report on it. I hate the thought of our VBS starting without your being in just won't be the same. I'm so glad you are having fun at Saturn Road but we do really miss you. I know they are glad to have you! Thanks to you (and Emily, of course) for leaving us with such a great VBS. It definitely (surely) has your fingerprints all over it...and don't call me Shirley. Hope to see you before too long.


At 11:35 PM, Blogger The Root said...

Congrats, brutha. Glad it all went well for you guys!

At 7:52 AM, Blogger nairb said...

Before I ever built one thing at Altamesa (back in 97), including the infamous boat, people told me not build thing up off of the ground. They were too shaky. The year after the boat I built that bohemoth, the second stage. No one has sustained any serious injury from except maybe those who have to carry it or put it up.

Favorite line from VBS (past):
"I got me blooming eye back"

At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No really Trey great job. The kids loved VBS this year. I look forward to next year's.


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