Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Is this what John Kerry felt like?

And for that matter Gore?

I've voted in every presidential election available to me and until last night I was batting a thousand. But the person I voted for lost, fairly decisively. This has never happened to me.

I'm vexed by this feeling, to have something go the opposite way I want it to. This hasn't happened very often in my life. I've done and achieved what I wanted. I wanted an education, a girlfriend and buffalo wings and I got them.

And now there is this stinker in my life for 4 years. I'm taking it very personally. Yes, this election will have consequences nationally and abroad but right now I'm just stymied by the feeling that what I, Trey Milhouse Vanderbilt Hussein Laminack, did not get his way.

Am I the world's most petulant child?

Upon reflection, I don't really think I feel the same the way that Kerry and Gore supporters did. For one thing, I've never vowed to leave the country upon defeat. If I did I've the character to follow thru (hint hint Alec Baldwin). Also, if I had a McCain/Palin bumper sticker on my car (which I don't) I would take it off now. I still see Kerry and Gore stickers driving around in a complete state of denial.

I pray Obama makes good decisions. I have to admit that I kind of like the guy. Even if he doesn't have the record or character I look for in a president. He seems ok as a person. I'm sure the media will spin any mistakes he makes into wise choices, but lets hope he has the courage to do something original: Think for himself.

In conclusion I like Obama and hate the liberal media, Oprah, Jeremiah Wright, overly digital election coverage, higher taxes and bumper stickers.



At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen. I could not believe my country would choose Bill Clinton, but thanks to Ross Perot, we got 8 years of him. I was unable to sleep that night. But his true colors came out and thanks to him we had a chance to have majorities in both houses for the first time in 50 years. Unfortunately, the Republicans started acting like the Democrats and let the power go to their heads. Once the corruption started, they were easy pickings for the media who are obviously in the tank for the Democrats. We wasted a great opportunity. I fear we will be the minority party for another 50 years since the party in power will now gerrymander the districts to make sure of it. The media will not be angry at the Pelosi Reid outrages, they will turn the other way. Republicans will have to win the hearts of Americans by promoting new ideas and not taking any race for granted (Lupe Valdez wins over Cannady for sherrif, are you kidding me?) We have become the nanny state, "give me mine" and are no longer the shining city on the mountain offering opportunity to those who want to work for it. And finally, I really hope history is fair to George W. Bush. He gave up popularity to continue to protect us and thank goodness he did.


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