Monday, September 08, 2008

Fantasy Soccer

I play fantasy football which Sara finds insane. She says its what we do to make a boring game more fun. If this is the case then they need fantasy soccer.

First Draft your players. 1 Goalie per team and what like 9 other dudes with no specific job besides running around in shorts.

Your fantasy team receives these points:
Every 10 Minutes of Pointless Running = 0.01 Pts
Every time you kick the ball = 0.0001 Pts
Every time you fake an injury like a little girl = -0.05 Pts
Every time your fans riot = 0.10 Pts
Every shot on goal = 0.15 Pts
Every goal = 1 Pts (Don't count on this ever actually happening)
Every blocked goal = 0.2 Pts
Every time you get a yellow card = -0.5 Pts
Every time you get a red card = -1 Pts
Every time your fans fall asleep = -0.01 Pts
Every time fans have to explain why their sport isn't boring = -0.05 Points

The scoring is based on a decimal system so the final score can be something like soccer fans are used to... like 1-0! It was a blow out!



At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOO .... Graham is going to be SO unhappy with this!!!

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Ashley said...

This really made me laugh :)

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Web Bulimic said...

If I was still blogging I'd come back with a scathing "fantasy superhero" post.

At 10:13 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Oooh, good idea. Fantasy Superhero!

At 3:34 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Do they have fantasy teams for RPGs?

" . . . I'm going to draft the guy wearing his mom's shawl and carrying the battle axe that he saved his fast food job money to buy from a reproduction place."

"I want the one with the stench and bad teeth, who carries his figurines in a Wolverine lunchbox."

Do you have to share the DM?


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