Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Main St. Vs. Wall St.

I was thinking of other streets that most towns all have. And what conotation they invoke.

Main St - Theoretically "Old Fashion Values" in reality a street lined with old storefront business that are now either seedy bookshops or "revitalized" coffee shops
Wall St - Money or uhm... some kind of wall in proximity... I guess... I don't get it
1st - That part of town with small wood frame houses that probably were once great but are now are all paint peally.
MLK BLVD - Danger
Park - That street with the dangerous run down park on it.
Oak - That street with the nice trees
Pine - That street with all the parking lots
Hill - Unless your walking you'll never notice this "hill"
Washington - Washington "ST" is a good place to live, Washington "Heights" not so much.

I get the feeling that since most of these streets are in the oldest parts of town they tend to run in a few categories. They are either still quaint, scary or re-quaint. By re-quaint I mean they used to be scary and now they've been white washed and remodeled into their old models. The worst state of a downtown is if its re-scary, which happens if a quaintening doesn't stick.

According to the 1993 Census the MOST common street name in America was: Second?
What happened to First? Just think of all those towns where 1st street had to be renamed after some local major or dead president. (Or sometimes just called Main). This leaves Second in First place. Actually there are more Thirds than Firsts as well. So the new order of best places goes Second, Third, First... tough luck Michael Phelps.

(There was some confusion about my previous post. I encourage you all to read the labels at the bottom of the blogs.)

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At 11:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say that this blog is definitely most clearly classified by the label 'Ramblings'.

(By the way, I noticed the label on your previous blog. That explained it all, because racoons are very shy creatures. If a racoon behaved that way, rabies is the only explanation, and you are dead meat.)

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Emily said...

I drove down MLK in St. Louis the year STL was named the most dangerous city in America. I can now say that I drove down the most dangerous street in the most dangerous city and survived it!


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