Monday, December 17, 2007

Twelve Humbugs of Christmas: Parts 9 & 10

Twelve Humbugs of Christmas: Parts 9 &10
Mom has to work X-Mas Eve
Christian Denial

Get back to work Cratchit!

Poor madre toiling away Christmas Eve. This is just Un-American! (Mom works in payroll and end of the year stuff is a lot of extra work.)

I hope her boss is haunted by three ghosts not counting the first ghost of a former co-worker who will show up to warn of the others, "You will be visited by three ghosts... uhm... not counting me." Couldn't you have said 4 ghosts? "No! 3 sounds better, and don't question the three ghosts like this, they won't like it."

Christian Denial - Get your head out of the snow its X-Mas!

Some Christians don't celebrate Christmas because the date of Jesus' birth is not known (and most likely not in December at all). So I guess they walk around in a state of denial, "Did you see that tree with the lights?" NO! They did not.

I think I posted in a previous blog about the date Dec 25th coming from the birth of the pagan God Mithras the Sun God. He was born on the longest night of the year therefore it got sunnier everyday thereafter. Well Roman's Christianized everything so Mithras became Christ but the date was so popular it stuck. It turned out the commoners didn't care who they worshipped at the feast as long as the feast was good.

But this isn't the reason most Christians object, they don't know or care who Mithras was. No, they argue that it is the wrong date. But they don't celebrate it any day of the year. It's best to be safe and not offend out Lord by totally ignoring him.

People can do what they want and I understand its a touchy subject. But I can tell you why I personally celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December. I celebrate then because the rest of the world celebrates then. For on small month a year, the general populace is open to discussion about Jesus. And if that opportunity rises in your office or out in the world and the only thing you can think to say to a non-believer is "Well, you know Jesus wasn't even born on December 25th!" you've missed an opportunity.

Nobody was ever baptised because of when something didn't happen. - So HUMBUG!
And Humbug as well to my mom's cruel employer!



At 11:49 PM, Blogger The Root said...

Pertaining to Humbug #4:

DHP (as he's known to us on the inner circle) is no longer in Spamalot, he's been in the show Curtains (for which he won his Tony) for quite some time now.

I also tend to not care who is worshipped at the feast as long as the feast is good. This is not a unique occurrence. Feasts are good.

At 9:54 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...



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