Monday, November 26, 2007

Turkey Day and other causes of Type II Diabetes

Turkey day was good, I had two in fact, one on Thursday and again on Saturday, I basically started over eating on Wednesday night and didn't stop until dusk Saturday. Consider it my last hurrah because going to get healthier.

Ok, so next week I'll be breaking my decade long streak... I'll be going to a doctor when I'm relatively well. Usually I have to be bedridden for 48 hours before I consider going to see an MD. And then when I do I go to a McMD like Primacare. I like those places because they don't want a relationship or to know about my personal life. Just the facts and get out of here with a Rx. (Also, they don't weight you.)

Anyway, if you haven't figured it out already I'm an overweight hypochondriac. I also verge on Christian Science thinking: God will heal me or he won't. I have a tendency to self-diagnose. So if its a cold, I'll just ride it out. If its something worse, I'll suppress it and hope it goes away.

What caused my sudden change in disposition? My sister told me she was concerned about my health. 5 Years ago I would have ignored her. 10 years ago it would have been an argument. This year, I figure its time to try out my insurance card and see if it really works.

My list of diseases/syndromes I think I have but have no medical proof of:
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Hypothyroid
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Heart Worms
  • Tapeworm - Actually that would be good, I might loose weight.
  • Mono - It can lay dormant.
  • Heart Arrhythmia
  • Dunlop Disease*
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Munchhausen Syndrome
  • and Stockholm Syndrome
List of things I'm worried about at the doctors office:
  • Catching something from all the sickies
  • The scale
  • My doctor is female
  • Them confirming anything from the first list
  • Them suggesting something involving my back door. (I've looked up a Bible verse and I'm prepared to refuse for religious reasons, I'm a proctological conscientious objector.)
I've probably worried years of my life away worrying about a check-up. I know I'm probably as healthy as an ox who over-ate at Thanksgiving.

Well, wish me luck and feel free to comment here but when you see me IRL^ please act like you did not read this blog post. Make no mention of the doctor or how my visit went. If you do, I will infect you with my Stockholm Syndrome!

^ IRL = In real life.
* Dunlop Disease: In case you didn't know this is a dangerous disease common to members of the CofC where cheese covered dishes and fried chicken are commonplace. Dunlop disease is when "your belly dun lopped over your belt."

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At 4:56 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Great post. Yeah, I probably worry about the dentist and dermatologist way too much. I need to just suck it up and go. Good luck man. Let us know how it goes so we don't have to ask "IRL".

At 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for deciding to take care of yourself. Those of us who love you want to have you around for a long time.

At 7:21 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

very funny, when is the dreaded apt???

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Lynn Leaming said...

Steve and I have been on Weight Watchers for a month now. I think it is fairly easy because there are no forbiddens, just choices.
Steve and I actually see Dr. Thomas Winkler who is a member at Saturn Road for our diabetes. Hope your visit goes well.

At 11:09 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

i am cracking up at munchausen's. :o)

At 8:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better not take wings off the menu, bud or we will have big problems. Honestly, as I told you the other night, I'm proud of your choice. I'm right there with you. Even dusted off the treadmill Sunday night for 20 minutes. Darn thing just won't quit on me. Guess I better use it more and be patient for the results.

At 11:21 PM, Blogger Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

relax Trey. Going to the DR is a GOOD thing. If there IS something wrong with you they can fix it, or at least treat it! The other thing : if you had diabetes you'd know it! :)

hope all goes well

At 2:34 PM, Blogger Wezie said...

Preston heals everything with NyQuil.


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