Friday, December 14, 2007

Twelve Humbugs of Christmas: Parts 5

Twelve Humbugs of Christmas: Parts 5&6&7
The Word "Holiday"
The "X"
"The Holiday Season"
Ok, so today is a quick triple helping of Humbug!
First, there probably isn't much need to ramble about my hatred for the word Holiday pushing out the word Christmas. Everyone hates this. Why does it happen? Liberal guilt! Touchy-feelies out there can't just wait for somebody to get offended. They have to get offended for somebody else.
You can't say Christmas! What about the Jewish people! - I say, let a Jewish person raise their own objection. Its not like its not Christmas. It's true that it is Christmas so go ahead and say it!
I preferred it back in the day when they used to say "Merry Christmas and Happy Nun-chucks" than what they do now with the bending over backward. Many secular people celebrate Christmas too! I say, Christmas gets top billing and once or twice we can mention lighting the man-or-duh. And don't even mention Kwanza or that other one. Kwanza was made up less than 50 years ago and that other one... come on! We're in America not Istanbul.
The "X"
Of course half that time they mention Christmas its said, "X-Mas." Way to take the Christ right your of everything. Us "X-ians" should get more upset about this. It also looks tacky. I think the only place "X-Mas" makes any sense is if its part of an "X-Men X-Mas Special"! Wolverine could cut the turkey. Cyclops could cook the bird with his vision. Jean Grey could have a nervous breakdown.
"The Holiday Season"
When I was a kid the "Holiday Season" (HS) was from like X-Mas Eve to New Years Day. Then it started being Thanksgiving to New Years. Now it starts in October. In face one Children's Ministry Magazine article defined this time of year as "Falloween." Because the hysteria starts at Back-2-School time, builds into Halloween, the rampages over Turkey day to end in a train wreck around Christmas and smolder until New Years Day. It is starting as early as possible. Now I'm expecting it to start ending later. A logical new end date would be the Super Bowl. It already is the biggest TV purchasing week of the year!
The Word "Holiday" - Humbug!
The "X" - Humbug!!
"The Holiday Season" - Humbug!!!



At 9:36 PM, Blogger Lynn Leaming said...

I am glad someone in your generation agrees that we should be concerned about how Christ is being negated from Christmas in favor of Holiday Cheer. I posted this on my blog not too long ago and most of my young commenters had no problem with it saying that Happy Holidays covers them all better anyway?? I also posted a link on my blog to Merry Tossmas. Have you seen it? I thought it was clever. If you haven't check it out at

At 7:42 PM, Blogger Web Bulimic said...

I just pretend that people are being radically biblical and replacing the word "Christ" in Christmas with the Greek character "X" or chi, the first letter of the word Christ in Greek.

At 11:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ryan is correct; that is WHY an 'X' is used.
I do like the term 'radically biblical'!!!

At 8:02 PM, Blogger Lindsey said...

HAHAHA! I loved the X-Men X-Mas comment. Hilarious.

Did I give you your party favor? I think you and Ashley left before I remembered that I had party favors hiding in the Coat Closet.

At 12:41 AM, Blogger Emily said...

I remember when you taught a class in the Youth Group one time about "X-ians". :)


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