You people and your coats!
Baton down the hatches and start hoarding heating oil! It's October in Texas and it might get down to 63 degrees!
You people and your coats. Shouldn't you just be enjoying the cool? (I don't think cool ends and cold begin until you get to 40.) But no, the mercury drops a millimeter and we have to show off our new coats. Its like some people live in envy of cold climates who have to wear coats to the first day of school. Bah! They probably all live in envy of us getting to wear shorts and not having people drop dead of frostbite each weekend during a football game.
So fine, its 63 better start layering clothing. And if you think the adults are bad you should see the way they bundle and swaddle their preschoolers. I've seen geriatric Eskimos wearing less clothing.
And even if it does get down to 58 its not like you're going ice fishing! You are walking from your heated car into your heated Starbucks back to you heated car with a heated drink in hand then onward to your heated house so you can turn on your gas logs!
If it gets bellow 60 I'll switch to long pants, maybe! But expect me in t-shirts until it gets down to sub 50! You people and your coats! Your weak, over-fashioned people who can't accept the modern lifestyle you live that requires no time outdoors. If I didn't love you so much I'd tie you up and send you by train to Fargo so you can finally have a reason to wear your faux-fur lined, down jacket with matching scarf and mittens and bright yellow rubber snow boots! But that would be cruel, nobody deserves to be Fargoed.
HA HA HA!!!! I totally agree. I will never understand why people in TX want to wear huge coats so bad. By the way I have been to Fargo... it is pretty terrible :)
I agree too! It has to be in the low 30's for me to wear a coat unless the wind is really blowing hard at 40. I saw someone with a beanie on their head yesterday too, and thought what???? No way his ears could have been cold. One of Steve's favorite states is North Dakota. He loves that alaskan coat he got to wear there.
I haven't owned an overcoat in years! I wear flip-flops year round!! A good fleece from Gap is as warm as I get!
Its so funny with my kids at school...the minute it started getting the slightest bit cool in the mornings, the kids showed up with sweatshirts and coats. We have uniforms so the outerwear is rarely in dress code so now all my kids insist on getting their out-of-dress-code sweatshirts and coats for our 10 second walk outside to the gym. I mean, they might freeze you know!
i am embarrased to admit that i have had the heater on in my office since september.
This is hilarious! And SO true! Thanks for not naming in names!!! But MaryCate did look really cute in her Oiliy fleece boots and brown cords!
Trey- You kill me. This is all absolutely true though! After moving back down from Alaska, I realize what a bunch of weenies people who live in any moderate climate are in winter. I did fine this summer here in the heat in Maryland and have yet to wear a winter coat. Thank you for your voice of reason... I'm glad I am no longer a weenie.
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