Monday, September 24, 2007

SCS Homecoming 2007

I haven't been to a homecoming since 1999 and I had intended never to go again. But much to my surprise I had an ok time.

I was persuaded to go becasue Kim had invited my Harding friend Booge to go with her. And then I found out James and Robyn were going too, so I had a posse together, going in alone would be suicide.

So much to my surprise I'm printing out an alumni ticket off the interweb (which they didn't even take from me).

It was weird being back on campus, every parking space belongs to someone with more money than me.

The alumni reception was on the other side of the field with some tents. They were serving fajita's which were good. They had this large white archway thingy set up in front of the sign in table. I didn't feel comfortable traveling under such a matrimonial looking thing so I went around the outside.

I had only RSVPed 3 hours previous so I knew they wouldn't have a pre-printed name tag for me so I told the lady I was "Greg Campbell." This served 3 purposes: 1) Nobody would know Trey was there. 2) As Greg I would receive a warm reception 3) When it came to light I wasn't Greg it would give me something to talk about besides the big three (job, wife, kids).

Of course, the real Greg Campbell showed up and blew my cover.

There weren't a lot of people there but I enjoyed talking to a few people I hadn't seen in a while. I also got to NOT enjoy talking to people I hadn't seen in a while.

Perhaps what made the evening so good is we left before the 1st Quarter was over. All in all we were there 45 minutes.

On the way out James and I discovered they had built a new fence around the field. There was no way to our parking place. We would have to walk in front of all the bleachers and behind the football team the entire length of the field to get out. So we just did it.

Then opportunity knocked: The cheerleading team was in our path in those two parallel lines they seem to like standing in. Should we go around? Behind? Nope, when opportunity knocks I answer. I lead the charge right between those two startled lines of cheerleaders.

"Watch out! Hot coffee here! Alumni coming through! Nice outfits girls! Like the new colors. Excuse us! On your right! Make way for Alumni!"

This of course was in full view of those people who make more money than me because good parking coincides with good seating near the cheerleaders.

Well, I've decreed I'll be back for Homecoming 2008! My 10 Year Reunion... ick! All you class of '98 peeps better show up. We'll stay for an hour then on to the after-party!

The question remains whose name tag should I snag next year?

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At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a sucker for these type of events. I get that from my Dad who loves reunions about as much as anything in the world. In the little towns in West Texas where my Dad and Mom grew up they have reunions every Summer for the whole town. It amazies me to see all these cars in the parking lot. I'm sure if there were any commercial establishments in those parts the local budget would probably be exceeded over that one weekend. All these little old ladies bringing in potluck dishes and desserts, a group of locals forming a band, old scrapbooks and yearbooks on tables everywhere and the laughter and smiles of some pretty stoic people always warms my heart. I have been away from High School a while now (1976 graduate); and I have decided to take my son with me to the last football game of the season against the cross town rivals. I paid too much for it already; but I can't wait to see a few of my old buddies and with a twinkle in our eyes be teenagers again. Ah yes, the best memories are like wine. The older the better they become.

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Maggie said...

we are having a 10 yr. and you better show up or else Ryan will kill me- we got to hang out with creamy for a few minuets this friday!

At 10:52 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Was Creamy in Midland?

A weird thing was who wasn't at Homecoming. Like Lindsey and KK were not in attendance.

At 10:39 PM, Blogger stacey4 said...

What is SCS, I forgot? Oops!

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am attending my 30th high school reunion in a couple of weeks. I am looking forward to it. I am past caring about clothes and hair and all that stuff. I just want to see how my friends from high school are doing, and what their lives are like.

At 9:01 PM, Blogger Deborah said...

Go as J Root. He probably won't be able to show, plus you can take the opportunity to show off some sweet puppet skills.

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Kristen Ballard said...

Good for you for going! The parking situation is so atrocious, I just didn't want to mess with it. BUT, we are getting things in order for the big 10 year reunion (you can send your address to, she is in charge of alumni stuff). Your blog is great- although, of course, I am not quite smart enough to get everything you write, the stuff I do understand is hilarious!!


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