Monday, April 16, 2007

Weaver can't say Sanjaya.

No matter what you hear or read on other blogs this is the truth.

Weaver can't say Sanjaya. (And to be honest his "volcano" sounds like 'malmano')

Unfortunately, Weaver's parents are living in denial about this fact. They assure me he can, they promise me he can, they prompt him hundreds of times to say Sanjaya... but nothing. Usually he just point at something interesting and goes over there to climb on things... but no Sanjaya... maybe he just likes that weapy Doolittle girl.

Other than that incident my trip to Fairmont Park CofC went GREAT!

I think the Ryan and I kept the kids interested and involved... and if they do that they'll hear something we say and God can take over. The orange jump suit is featured in both Maggie's and Steven's blogs if you are interested in the effect it seems to have on people.

The effect is has on me is heatstroke followed by either euphoria or embarrassment.

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At 4:02 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

he can say it!!!

so good to have you here :)

lots of love!

At 11:18 AM, Blogger Web Bulimic said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for coming III. The kids had a blast and I think they may be ready for something even bigger next year.


I'm gonna start ending all my correspondence that way.



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