Wednesday, March 01, 2006

My Stuff

I have too much of it. And so little of it is very nice. The flip side of that coin is that I really don't have much stuff at all and I like it a lot. All of my stuff will fit into a 10X10 storage space, doesn't sound like much until you start having to lift it.

And the amount of trash I've found in my place is amazing. Mostly it's mail and fast food bags. (The actual food got eaten or thrown away, I hate bugs.) But I keep finding mail in drawers and papers I thought I'd read at home under my bed or under the couch.

Today I moved about 1/3 of my stuff into the storage space and Saint Coby will come by with his truck Friday to help me move the big stuff (although we'd love some more help, hint hint.) Moving makes you look at all your stuff and say, "When did I get this piece of junk?" and then secondly, "Why have I kept it in my closet for so long?"

Most of my furniture is second hand from family, for which I am grateful. But that means it's old and nothing matches. Of all the stuff there, I started thinking, how much of this stuff did I really choose and how much was thrust upon me by fate?

I found two things that I selected personally: A white wire shelf unit with a wooden top and an Antique standing closet.

The former I bought in 1998 with a $50 gift card to the container store (a store I had never been in before or since) given to me at my graduation by Bria Owen... but he last name changed to something else now. I reciprocated at her graduation by not attending. Years later, I would catch her garter at the wedding reception when she married whats-his-name. This thing traveled with me to Harding, then ACU, then home, then Garland, and now is in the storage place. I really like that thing, partly because its "all mine." This thing has been bookshelf, storage space, cutting board, desk, bedside table and sled.

The latter my grandfather gave to me from his lakehouse. It is a lovely thing and I keep my bow and arrows, nunchucks, my replica of "Sting" from LOTR and old shoes in it. It is actually too narrow to hold a standard size coat hanger strangely. It has a ship carved into its wooden front. I loved it as a kid and was surprised when my mom told me it had been left to me. If I had to build my home around one piece of furtiture this would be it.

Do any of you remember these two things? Feel free to share your own memories of my favorite possessions.

I'm still homeless and still accepting applications for guest bedrooms. As well as requestions letters of rec from former roomies. (See below.) I just got in, I better make sure we are locked and loaded for tonight.


At 7:18 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Stuff sucks. I like things. :)

At 7:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have never seen your "stuff." You refused to allow my husband and me entrance into your apartment. Only our then pre-teenage son was allowed in, and he thought it was cool. "Mom, Trey is as big a slob as I am!!"

At 10:43 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I miss the old wool blanket. Pinned up over the window, it blocked out your "oldest enemy" (sunlight), and added a vagrant air to the otherwise themeless jumble. It even had a few holes, the purpose of which I've forgotten, or I should say, I've forgotten what purpose you made up when I asked.

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

what about the world's heaviest TV and that great entertainment cabinet??????? Now those sre soem gems!!! :) Come live with us.

At 11:51 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

supposed to say "are some gems" sorry but you all know about my disabilities.

At 11:07 AM, Blogger James said...

I've seen Trey's room during his high school career and during his college career and I don't think Trey is a slob.

It's more like Trey is unencumbered by the weight of keeping up appearances. Trey's living space adheres to the rules of his personal life philosophy that what is material is irrelavant because only God is relevant.

In this context, Trey living situaion can be considered spiritual, a monestary if you will.

And I think you will.

P.S. This blog is turning into a version of the Truman Show. Which is cool with me.

At 6:11 PM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

What is your Real Estate agent's phone #? I can tell you need some urgent assistance.
I have the Budget Suites 800 # for you.
Come to F.W. for some good BBQ, yes we painted your room somewhat pink and turned it into an office, but there is still another perfectly good bedroom available - just for you - when the grand-daughters aren't visiting.

At 6:31 AM, Blogger Danny Sims said...

This is reason #34 in the top 100 reasons to get married.

At 4:30 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Emily! Way to Rock the old Trey quotes! 5 points!

Mrs. Hey Man - To be fair, my room was judged at a bad time for me to be considers a "slob." After all I had just cleaned up, it can get much worse.

Ty - I loved that old indian blanket, it made the room smell like a sweet lodge.

Mags - I moved that TV in and out of my place all by myself. I felt like Samson.

Worm - A spiritual monestary, thanks for the cover Doc.

Chris - Well one of them has probably already seen it, I'll pass along the other hello.

Danny - Reason #34 to get married is there is someone to help me move my TV?

At 11:10 PM, Blogger Wezie said...

Preston and I moved 11 times in the first 10 years we were married. Purge, Purge, Purge!!!


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