Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Know it all

Last night I was called a "know it all" this is an odd insult to give someone. It seems to have a positive literal meaning but a negative subjective one. But it's not true. Contrary to popular believe I do not "know it all." In fact here are a list of things I do not know.

* What "boy cut" jeans are
* Where I left my chapstick
* Scientific names of different types of flowers (besides Gerber Daisy which is "Gerbera Jamesonii)
* An assortment of things that start with "Why women..." or end with "... then they leave me."
* The Entire Periodic Table (I know all the natural elements but not the Lantanoidai or Aktinoidai.)
* A large category of things involving how to repair an automobile engine
* Italian Opera or why non-Italian speakers claim to like it (I like musicals but operas in another language are just boring. I hate people who sit and listen to them who don't speak Italian. They are just posers. Would they sit and listen to a german scientist speak about physics and say, "But you can hear the emotion"? Poser!)
* Why nobody believe we'll be out of oil in 20-40 years (perhaps they know and don't care)
* Why only men like the McRib (nod to lindsey's blog. also spell check wants to make McRib microbe, hmm.)
* The seemingly national attraction to NASCAR
* Why people play soccer when there are better ways to get exercise, collage scholarships and spend your free time.
* What will happen in the next Harry Potter Book
* Why the feminist revolution somehow lead to an increase anorexia, bulemia, and plastic surgery

And this is just the tip of the ice berg of what I don't know. Getting a masters degree has taught me exactly how much I DON'T know about Psychology. Image what I don't know I don't know about other fields!

Enlighten me if you dare.


At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have found that the term "know-it-all" gets dragged out under two particular circumstances: 1) the person who said it felt mentally threatened or insufficient because someone else knew something they did not know, 2) the person who said it felt that the person imparting the knowledge was being a show-off or was being condescending in their manner. Either way, you were dealing with someone with some level of personal issues.
Or perhaps you were being snotty and showing off. I wasn't there, so I am unable to give an opinion on that aspect of the conversation.

At 11:30 AM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

For your enlightenment pleasure-
so you can enlarge your Know It All Beatle Itinerary-
Paul-Left Handed
John-Killed 25 Years ago this Month
Ringo-Sang Yellow Submarine!
George-Youngest Beatle

At 11:53 AM, Blogger James said...

A correction.

The world will NEVER run out of oil. It will just beomce too expensive to purchase.

As oil becomes more scare, it will increase in price. Fewer people will be able to afford it. Oil will no longer be worth the trouble to sell, and we will stop digging for it.

The price increases will be even higher because the easy to get oil has already been extracted. Now we have to extract the hard to get to stuff.

So yes, we will have to find an alternative fuel source for our cars, but it won't be because there is no more oil.

It will be because no one can afford it.

One more thing you know.

At 1:27 PM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

What are boy cut jeans? I wondered this too?

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Apparently they're all the rage - at least according to Old Navy.

At 2:33 PM, Blogger Web Bulimic said...

I'm really into the 30 year-old cut jeans. They're hot.

At 3:35 PM, Blogger nairb said...

First, "I am old" (nod to earlier blog)

I don't like the low cut jeans on any woman. Also know, I am not looking. Why any WOMAN would want 'boy cut' jeans is beyond me!

Your chapstick is in your apartment. You just haven't found it yet.

I liked the McRib when I was young.

NASCAR appeals to American because:
-Women dig guys with fast cars
-The cars waste lots of gas
-They are loud
-Everyone wants to see a wreck
-There are a lot of wrecks
-Society's LCD is welcomed (beverage in hand)
-Left turns are more difficult in the US, but NASCAR a right turn will kill you!

At 4:32 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Hey! I found my chapstick!

At 4:45 PM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

On the fem.revolution point - I hate to be a malcontent but we ladies ARE becoming tough and somewhat professionally successful and learning to assert ourselves. Some of us are continuing to eat and look our age. HaHa.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger James said...

Things That I Know:

1) Trey's blog is frequented by people that want, nay, have a burning desire to argue with Trey.

Is it Trey that created these feelings through past arguments started, or is our own intellectual insecurites that make us lash out in jealousy at Trey's brilliance?

At 6:10 PM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...


At 3:58 AM, Blogger The Root said...

I don't speak Italian, but I love opera. I love opera in French, German, Italian and English. It's pretty simple: I like big voices. it has precious little to do with "passion". Operatic singing is so physically difficult that the performers are rarely thinking about passion, they're too busy cranking out ridiculous notes at unbelievable volume levels.
HOWEVER, having listened to tons of operas and been to see quite a few, thanks to supertitles, I know now what's actually going on in the plots of these operas and, in certain performers, I CAN hear the passion in their performances of the arias.
It has nothing to do with being a poser. What? Do I think liking opera will make me not a geek somehow? Nope. I just like it. Big voices impress me.


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