Word Verification
My computer tries to predict what I will type in word verification using a pool of words I've typed in there before. Of course, they are never the same but I got to thinking about all these weird words stored on my laptop.
Ok so, "Word Verification" is a must. Spammers have taken over blogs as well. But it should prolly be called letter verification. Every time I have to do it I try to figure out what word it is.
I always think word verification "word" means something, some kind of hidden message just for me. Like it sometimes almost a word, and if not I think they are initials for something. Rationally, I know it is just a random collection of letters, even the number of letters is random. But sometimes I think strange things are afoot at the Circle K.
Here are some actual word verification "words" from my internet cache file:
zubzmseh - When you stub your toe while holding scissors.
Azkvs - A primitive screwdriver, before the invention of orange juice.
fyyotd - A fyord that scores a touchdown.
teaierx - When a tiara gets put on a goat
dloedu - When a duet sings off key
faewgjn - A cake that doesn't rise
lotheqo - The desire or "pull" when standing on a high place to jump off the ledge.
Some word verification initials:
ysmlk  You Shot Martin Luther King?
rdwcwfh - Real dudes wear collars without fluffy hemlines
Cjxpckwqhf - Can Jesus xylophone partial chords... uhm... knifewallabye queen hat foot. (CJXPCKWHF - might replace WWJD.)
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to leave a reply using the actual word verification word that is given to you. Good luck Angels. (And yes I know I mixed up Charlie's Angels with Mission Impossible, get over it.)
It's the way the alphabet ends for somebody with a lisp.
JINK KINK LA RINK LA XINK JA (RINK A DINK) my new favorite song.
I understand getting this evil verification
By entering this phrase, us non-spammers are stating that we're okay with having to do the word verification to stop spam. Its like agreeing to the "Terms of Use" on a website!
big goverment quits buying toys
big 'ol vick beaty
twoaxeo (too*ACK*see*oh) n.
1. A D&D weapon that has axe heads on either end
Celebrate Freedom Sinner, Jesus Visits Zoo.
I think it has something to do with teaching Jr. High. Bring on the t-shirts!
Jesus taught kindness; you teach zany love.
(Trey's new mission statement?)
man, you sure have posted a ton since the Nichole post. I think this has to be a record postage for you.
I usually post 3 or 4 times a week.
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