Monday, June 06, 2005

Monday Morning Quarter Back: Men and Choreography

Yesterday went extremely well, the cast was very adaptable to the lack of the stage. I'm very impressed with my cast who is now off book, da da dum! The Night One Cast really set the bar high for the rest of the VBS performances. They were off book and did a great job with their choreography. Keep up the good work, and lets hope night two goes as well!

Rabbit trail: Men and Choreography (and some women too).

Dear Men, who are reluctant, and Women, who roll their eyes (That's basically everyone.)

There is no use fighting the choreography. If you moan and drag your feet, you are wasting your time to learn the dance. Every time we start choreography people seem to think it's impossible but eventually get it, and it looks fantastic from the audience. Sometimes we act like a child getting into a cold pool. One-inch-at-a-time. Just JUMP IN! It'll be more fun and you will look better.

Take for example Zach Hancock who is like a dancing machine! (Oops, I mean, rhythmic movement machine.) It may seem silly but people don't watch individual dancers as much as they get a big picture of everyone dancing together... I mean stylized body contortion. Teen-agers suffer from what is known as the "imaginary audience" where they believe everything they do is under the intense scrutiny of everyone around them; I believe that this resurfaces when people they agree to be in VBS. You will only look "silly" if you are off the music then you will stick out and draw focus from the soloist.

And here is a bit of good news: This is for KIDS! If you do your dance... I mean steps... right they'll love it. Picture their little-happy-cool-aid-mustached-faces! And if you do make a mistake the kids are very forgiving. They will laugh and think it's all part of the show so keep on DANCING... uhm, I mean choreography-ing.

Hugs, Kisses and Jazz-Hands,
P.s. Let's face it choreography is dancing. There I said it!
P.s.s. You are doing a great job!


At 11:07 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Preach on, Brother Laminack! That has been the AWESOME thing about Richland - no one even thinks twice about learning choreography and they have it down perfect in 1 rehearsal!

At 11:25 AM, Blogger Lindsey said...

Umm...Emily...what Richland are YOU talking about? They are very focused to learn the choreography but I think the perfect after 1 rehearsal comment, may be pushing it. Man, they JUST got Billie Jean and Slaves down this week and that was the FIRST dance I taught them. It has been fun though being around a new group, it's always great meeting new people.

Trey, I totally understand your frustration. They're just timid Church of Christ folks, before you know it they will be a hip shaking fool like Brad Glass and they'll be disappointed when they don't get to dance! So are you using the hammer this year?

At 6:24 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

what vbs are ya'll doing? is it the same? when is yours? what church are you at? am i gonna have to call yo momma???


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