Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Hook Up

Apparently, everyone but me shares the same hobby. "Hook up Trey." The problem is nobody is any good at this game. Here are a few guidelines:

First, Anyone my mother or grandmother recommend will never be considered. (Stacey is trying to be added to this list I think.)

Here is an important consideration: People I already know. They need not be pushed at me. If I have contact with someone then there is very little in the way of our burgeoning romance.

People also often underestimate how shallow, inane and non-committal I can be. Everything can look good on paper but there is always a chance I will bolt.

Here is what makes me feel guilty even though I have no control over it. The rumor mill. You tell one person and they tell two and they tell three... then suddenly the person you want me to fall in love with thinks I'm smitten and becomes twitterpaited herself. Then I rebel against your arranged-marriage-unequal-yoking and the poor soul gets her heart stepped on. Even though I never knew it, the whole church thinks we're engaged, then they have to deal with our divorce (before we even dated.)

Kelly the Intern is reading this and says, whoever you hook me up with must be, "Stunningly beautiful and submissive."

Trey says, "Kelly is very wise."


At 3:14 PM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

OH MY GOSH>>> YOU SAW MY DREAM LASST NIIGHTTTTTT. Have you been watching the show "Medium"? I AM that lady! I I I, You You You. Bend boy, bend. I know who the groomsmen could be, be be.... OK, my eyes are rolling back in my head now. {See my post, lava flowing)

At 4:18 PM, Blogger nairb said...

LIVESTRONG, Don't let the cancer of fix up rule your life. My mother once warned against a girl then later recanted. She was right in the first place. She always liked the love of my life (which is good she can't always have her way and I knew Jen was it from the moment I pulled into town).

My point is maybe family can see when someone you are with is walking all over you, but I don't think their intuition about the 'right' future person is all that great.

At 10:26 PM, Blogger stacey4 said...

watch it Trey...I know what is best for you! Don't be so stubborn and manish, loosen up and live a little. DATE!

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

...and with the words "I know what's best for you" Stacey is added to the list


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