Monday, November 10, 2008

Untapped Markets

Did you ever see an untapped market and say, "I can make a million dollars there." Well it happens to me all the time only I'm too lazy to bother with them. So I figure my friends might as well make a million then maybe they can buy me lunch.

Untapped Markets:

Paintings for the Blind - Shoot a piece of tin with a shotgun. The bumps and protuberance might very well be art for the blind.

Pop-up popper - You hook up two mouses to one computer and its homebody's job to pop all the pop ups.

Teaching Eskimo's English - Just think, one you teach them that there's only one word for snow you're like halfway there.

Online Diploma Maker - If you've got a printer you could be your own college. People tell you what they want their degree in and bingo you sell them one. Congrats, doctor.

Disciplinarian at Large - Ever see kids behaving like brats at a restaurant and their parents do nothing. Just walk over show their parents the menu of discipline you provide. Then spank the child in front of an audience tell him to be quiet and collect $40.

Carbon Debit - Offer to buy peoples carbon credits for pennies on the dollar. Then you have... uhm... nothing I guess. Ok, forget this one.

Advocate for the Content - Angry people have advocates, why not the content. Collect money and go to Washington and tell them to change nothing. Warning: its hard to collect from this group.

Door to Door Milk Smeller - I can never tell when the milk has turned. You might also sniff yogurt and cheese, expand to all dairy.

Parallel Dimension Organ Harvester - We all know that there is a parallel dimension where there is an evil version of you if you are good and a good version of you if you are evil. So if a good Jim here needs an heart you travel there and take it from Evil Jim. Automatic 100% donor match. Also both dimensions are better off.

Netflix Watcher - I often don't have the time to watch the netflix that come in my mail. And I feel guilty that they just sit there. Others have this problem also. So you go to their house watch their movies and return them for them.

Unstylist - You go to your unstylist and they say, "You look great! Don't get a hair cut and keep the clothes you have, foxy mama!" They give you $50 which is cheaper than what you'd've spent on a haircut and clothes.

Trend Killer - This is the job I want myself. I want to be the one who decides when a trend is dead. Sorry, we're no longer giving each other flair, that's over. Ooops, you waited to long to use the word "Crunk" its dead. A good rule of thumb is if your white and over 40 and you are aware of a trend... its over.



At 7:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I am officially a grumpy old lady. The item in the list I feel most qualified for/most interested in is the Disciplinarian at Large. In fact, I find that I would often do that for free!!!

At 9:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny stuff indeed. We could use a BNO appointment scheduler. Sort of like who hosts the SuperBowl or Olympics. Schedule is set weeks in advance.


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