T-Dobs: Tax Season
T-Dobs is a word I've coined that stands for the rare feeling I get which is "The Downside of Being Single." I can go weeks or months without the sensation, but when it hits, it hits.
It hit the other night when I finished my taxes online. I usually put them off til the weekend before the 15th. Which I guess technically isn't even procrastinating. Its due the 15th, I sent mine in on the 12th. That's downright early. (The Gov wants your money early so it can get some quick interest on it. I don't give them the pleasure.)
Anyway, taxes are hard even for a stat junky like me because I neatly file all the required receipts and pieces of mail in over 200 places around my house/trash can.
So when I finally get done and turbotax tells me that I won't be going to jail for tax fraud (this year) I'm pretty excited.
I spun around and wanted to announced it to someone... but there was nobody there. I really wanted a wife to high-five me on a job well done. I thought about calling a friend but they wouldn't care... it would be like asking for an "attaboy" for something I had to do anyway.
I was sure that if I had a wife she'd've high-fived me and I got a momentary case of T-Dobs... also I was a little sunburned and needed someone to aloe my back... but if I'd've had a wife she should have known to put sunscreen on me in the first place so I got angry at my non-existent wife for not taking better care of me and the T-Dobs passed.
Labels: T-Dobs
Wow .... not a word about the cool weekend you had (which included the fantastic 'science show' that you intend to steal half of).
But I am proud of your getting your taxes done. We just gave our info to someone who will have to file an extension for us because we got them to her too late to be able to get them done. And we will pay this someone to do our taxes for us. Very lazy, I know!!!
Hey Trey, you are terrible at keeping in touch, but high fives for the tax completion! I unfortunately file as soon as a W2 is in the Defense Accounting Service... does that make me a person who feeds the beast or am I just paying my own salary?
Be good!
I think it is interesting when we get to this day, how many of us think in terms of whether or not we paid any taxes. The government has suceeded in brainwashing us. "I didn't have to pay" we say when the truth is I paid too much and I'm getting the leftovers back without any interest. Sad, but that is the type of society we have become. It is high time for a national sales tax to replace the income tax. What could be more fair? You pay as you buy things and you get to keep all the money you earn. Oh, BTW - "high five" on the tax return. I need to get some hints from you on your filing system, though. Mine is not that organized. =)
I got the SCS mag this past week and your article was great! I really loved the homecoming jeans reference. We felt SO cool that year. You should put it on here somehow (I don't know how, you're smart- YOU figure it out).
Good job for doing your taxes on time. I would pat your back, but you are sunburned...
Next year, Lindsey and I are going to have a "Tax Party" where we sit and do our taxes online in March sometime. Then we can all high-five each other or console each other when we actually owe money. You should join!!
Oh yeah! Join our Tax Party! It will be awesome! If you ever need a Sub-Wife, let me know, I can be happy for you until you find your real wife. Umm...but I won't rub aloe on your back, sorry man. I will give you high-fives!
I would rub aloe on you only if you let me see your "show underwear"! Love you!
can you get out of your airplane seat w/o using the seat in front of you as your own personal chin-up bar???
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