Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My one good Kent Brown Story

Kent brown is the father of two of my friends from High School Josh and Kyle. He was pretty involved in the youth group and I particularly recall him going on High School Adventure with us the 1st year. (That's Wilderness Trek if you don't know.)

When you pack they tell you to carry 25% of your body weight in your pack. If that were true Kent must have weighted 800 pounds! He started with a heavy pack and all along the trail he started carrying more stuff for people who were having trouble. One of those was yours truly.

I was not prepared for the physical challenge that Kent seemed to revel in. I think he carried most of my tent. (And my group couldn't afford those high tech ultralight jobs, we were using somebody's uncle army surplus tent which was heavy.)

He also made it to base camp well ahead of most of us and dropped off his stuff and doubled back to help. Basically making the trip twice over and always in good spirits. I had become pretty surly due to the exertion and the proximity to the sun on the mountain.

At base camp Kent had his tent up quickly but then made the rounds getting everyone set up. I remember he help us city boys without making us feel useless. He said something that made it seem like the tent being in a knot was the tent's fault and not ours. "These old things are tricky."

When we had our evening devotional focus shifted to Scott Shepherd and people were thanking him for making the trip happen. Nobody thanked Kent, and he was happy to be out of the spotlight and let Scott have the attention so he could teach us. I'm tempted to side trail onto a story Cary Bransum tells about me on this trip, the infamous "Get him!" Story but for once I'd like to keep the focus on Kent.

Even though I wasn't very close to Kent I can see the effect he's had on the lives of his kids, his family and his church. Kent was a man you could count on, who helped without being asked and who raised an amazing Christian family.

Kent passed away in New Orleans a week ago, he was working to rebuild. His funeral was attended by the Who's Who of my spiritual life. And I can see how he had an effect on them, and they in turn on me., and with God's help from me onto my kids.

Addendum: Check out Ryan's blog for a pic from this trip. Ryan says, "Note Trey's surliness and Kent's smile."

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At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful tribute to a great man of God. Thank you, Trey. I can hardly believe he is gone, but I'm not surprised he was helping others when he died. The Brown family will be in our prayers.

At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll bet we all have a Kent somewhere in our lives; and with any luck someone might consider me to be theirs. What a moving tribute. I'm sorry for your loss; but I glorify GOD in your memory of Kent.

At 7:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing Kent with those of us who never knew him. I am so encouraged to hear about people who live in a way that makes their life have meaning. It is a welcome break from the normal crud we all are subjected to on a daily basis.

At 9:36 PM, Blogger Ashley N said...

I was so happy when I saw this blog. It made me smile yesterday when I thought of you one time talking about high school adventure and how one year is was more of a leisurely hike and then the next year it became Kent Brown's death hike. I have no doubt, like you said, Kent made that "death hike" do-able for so many kids who didn't find it quite as easy as he did.

At 1:40 AM, Blogger The Root said...

The man was a He-Man! I remember that trip in particular detail. The "special side trip" that he took a small group of guys to that ended up being one of the most strenuous hikes of my life, straight up the side of a friggin mountain...
I was incredibly shocked when I heard all of this news about him recently, but he'll always be the "dude with the huge calves" in my mind. The dude that led us on an amazing trek that showed a whole new side of God's power to me. Truly, a great man, now in God's warm embrace.

At 1:02 AM, Blogger Katherine said...

Amen-he was a great man of God and that is obviously shining through his whole family-they are a testament to his life and servant's heart. I am grateful I was blessed to know him and be touched by him (and go hiking with him!) while he was here.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Daniel & Zoe's Mommy said...

thank you Trey. That was touching and very nicely put!

At 1:10 AM, Blogger Josh said...

thanks trey for your post about my dad. it's been a rough couple of weeks, but God sure has had his hands on our family. it's nice to hear that he made an impact on more than just his kids. thank you all for your kind words, it means a lot to us.

on a positive note, we found out today that a couple of organ donations he made were successful. a man waiting 7 1/2 years for a liver can have his life back now. he helped people even in death and i know he is happy about that.


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