Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Counting down from 13, the first thing I think of is...

13 is a baker's dozen.

12 is a Jerk Baker's Dozen.

11 is the number of the first Apollo mission to land on the moon

10 is the Number of Plagues of Egypt

9 is the Number of levels of the Underworld in Mayan Mythology

8 is the Snowman.

7 is the inning with the Stretch

6 is the number of Geese-a-laying

5 is the number of Pillars of Islam

4 is unlucky in China

3 is the number of Men in a Tub. Butcher, Baker and Candlestick maker.

2 is the number of numbers in Binary, although 2 isn't one of them. (They are 0 and 1.)

1 is the loneliest number.

0 is the card number for the Tarot card, "The Fool."

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At 5:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't believe you didn't have anything to say about the new Spiderman movie!!!! THAT'S what I thought for sure you would be blogging about.

At 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree w/ Mrs. Hey Man. What happened to the Spiderman blog? I was for sure you would have mentioned the poor cover up of the platform when the cop was walking across the sand truck to look for Marko Flint. Come on when you walk on sand your feet kinda sink in a bit. So next time you see it if you missed it the first time. The right hand side of the screen in the truck you see a bit of the platform that was not completely covered by the sand. I can't believe such an easy mistake not being caught for the big budget high-tech special effects film.

At 8:26 AM, Blogger SubBlogger said...

3 - is for Trey (Grand-Dad, Dad and You)

At 5:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

13 - bad luck
12 - months in a year
11 - players on a football team
10 - perfect score
09 - innings
08 - WFAA
07 - lucky roll
06 - spicy garlic
05 - golden rings
04 - par for most of the corse
03 - the trinity
02 - Ivan Coffman's yellow camero
01 - for the money

At 1:30 AM, Blogger Emily said...

Contrary to an earlier blog of mine...I'm moving to Dallas! Check my blog again around Friday or so to hear the whole story. :)

At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I forgot:
0 - Zero not 'Oh'


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