Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Flotsam and Jetsam

Chunk 1 -
I was buying 3 sausage rolls w cheese this morning at the donut hut and a lady walks in and puts a dollar on the counter and asks for a cream filled eclair. My pigs in a blanket are in the microwave for 30 seconds and this lady decides she'll just jump in during the interminable long wait. At first I was annoyed but it became clear this lady was a regular and didn't even wait for her change on the 79 cent confection. In fact she was in and out before the 30 seconds were up so I guess she was right. The regulars should get preferential treatment.

Chunk 2 -
So at the gas station I was reading the safety stuff. No smoking (check), turn off engine (check), do not put in unapproved container (check), not for use in aircraft (che... wha?). Who is pulling their Cessna into the QT. "Lemme get 200 gallons a fuel and 64oz Diet Dr. Pepper."

Chunk 3 -
I've decided to throw a stone from my glass house and say "Women should have long hair." The oft quoted Helena Rubinstein said, "There are no ugly women, just lazy ones." I can't agree more and the excuse, "It's so easy to have short hair" is lame. I've got hair longer than 62.5% or more of my congregation (All 50% of the men plus 25% of the women) and you don't hear me complaining. Still my glass house offers a good view on the idiocy knotted into hair perception so... Do what you want with your hair, you're free to make your own choices.

church 4 -
I think more people should read Superhero Comic Books. They are the only American Mythology and Morality tales being published.


At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm....interesting freudian there. Chunk 1, chunk 2, chunk 3, but CHURCH 4?

At 9:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chunk 3 comment: Sometimes having short hair is not a matter of being lazy but a matter of having too many things to do for one day to worry about hair. So it can be a schedule compromise.

church 4 comment: I have to agree. It is not just a kid/guy thing to do either. In fact they should offer a Superhero Comic book (or manga) literature class in college. They already have an Anime class for English 1302. So why not?

At 10:42 PM, Blogger Jenn said...

long hair is easier... ponytail!

At 1:10 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

As a regular at several establishments of the eating variety, I always wait for my turn, and I might even let someone else cut in line (as long as they don't co-opt my favorite server). Of course, it might be different is eclairs were involved (actually, I prefer cream puffs to eclairs to such an extent that the latter don't actually exist to me).

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

hey man - that'll teach me to spell check.

Rebecca - Too many things to worry about!? Perhaps it is the rest of your life you need to cut down on and not your scalp. It sounds like you need 10 minutes in the morning to pamper yourself and your hair.

JM - Bingo! Pony tail! I like 'em.

Ty - what did eclairs do to you that they no longer exist in your world.

At 7:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

um....that was MRS. Hey Man that is the 'spell checker' (care to play a game of Scrabble??)

At 10:34 AM, Blogger Trey Laminack said...

Scrabble? Bring it on, I've memorized all the words that start with Q and aren't followed by a U so I can dominate!


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